Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 Okay, wow, geesh! 

This year, this crazy year is going by so fast. A lot of stuff have been happening and I'm treading water. I'm hoping there will be a break soon. I'm not giving up. I'm debating on whether to archive my blog or not. My creative ideas are taking a different direction and I don't know if I should continue here or start a new one. Decisions, decisions. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The -ber Months

 Finally, we are into the months that end in -ber.  Which means fall or autumn if you like, is coming! My most favorite time of year even though there is much nonsense going on on this rock we call home. This has not been a good year for me but I'd really like to try to turn it around in some creative way. So... I had bought these little ornament kits from a dollar store, I think last year. I found them while clearing out some things. I left them out. For months and decided to take them out of their package because they needed painting. I mean anything- anything to get back to being creative. Right? So they sat on my cutting table for another month and last week I did it. I painted the little critters. 

Now when you have inexpensive little kits like this, the longer they are hidden the paint dries. Yep. It was like glue. Good thing I had my real paints, which also haven't fared too well. The hole for dispensing the paint was clogged. In all paint bottles. Okay then. It seems I really must get back to it so as not to waste what's left of my paint stash.

So I did it. This thing called painting. I had something in mind but things weren't going that way so this is what I ended up with. Not great (yes, I started to beat myself up over it) but I finished them. It's a start right? They are now with my other Halloween pieces and that makes me happy.

Onward September!

Monday, August 3, 2020


2020 has been a weird year. And it keeps going that way. But... but... I'm going to step out on a little faith and work on getting back on the creative track. The road. The way. All I can do is to work on keeping myself and my family and friends safe. Wearing a mask and not going out if I don't have to. I pray that we will eventually see the positive side of this virus that's going on. These times have been truly difficult on creative types. Not knowing what's going on, battling depression, isolation even though most like working on their own; it's the not being able to see anyone or talk to them or hug them.

Soooo... it's time to move on. Move forward, keep going. This is my month for getting back to making and completing things to have for Halloween. Working still on the confidence, the fear, and doubt. But I have so many other big plans coming down the way, that this is a must do. I can't wait to see what comes forth from my wonderful hands.

I did manage to clear up my bedroom floor. I broke down and bought one of those desk trays for paper projects. I got a 6 tier on and was able to get all my stories off the floor. It looks so much better and has cleared up some of my creative blockage.

New cat rat toy design. Because weaving fabric takes too much time. I have a box full of upholstery fabric I can use up.

I'm planning on this being a trend. Getting back to working creatively. Y'all have a great day. I'll be back.

Monday, July 6, 2020

It's Been Awhile

I've just began to get creative again. All through the lockdown, my creativity has been haphazard, discombobulated, ship shod, and non-existent. We are in strange times. I've been working on getting my creative mojo back again. One day at a time. Seriously. I have learned how to weave on a pin loom and finished a project. It will work for a larger project I have in mind. Getting back to drawing is still iffy. I do make small, very small doodles though. I've started knitting again with a free pattern from Dot Pebbles. And I'm itching to make dolls again. After all, Halloween is right around the corner.

Here's my July Bullet Journal front page I finished today. Used markers to color it.

My birthday pic. So many times around the sun. I am grateful though. Here's to another trip.

I finally got my woven rat cat toys done. Done on a TexaTurtle Loom, hexagon shape and free rat pattern (because it's the Year of the Rat).

My birthday cupcakes given to me by one of my nieces. They were oh-so-good. Moist, not too sweet... even the icing was lovely.

Knitted bunnies in the works. Free pattern and knitting videos by Dot Pebbles Knits. Gotta finish them.

And another free pattern by doll maker Jill Maas. I am further along on these two but haven't updated a pic.

These little projects have kept me somewhat going creatively. Now I really want to get back to business. As my friend Steven W. Dunn said, "I'm trying to look at this time as a new beginning since we know things will never be the same."

Monday, May 11, 2020

Alrighty Then...

Things just keep getting better and better.

I really want to believe that. My state's lockdown was extended until May 28. Some businesses are opening, slowly, which as much as it hurts is a good thing. The states hot spot is doing better because of the long 'stay at home' issue. Deaths are down for a consecutive week, confirmed cases are down, recoveries are up. This is good news. So I'm hoping that come June, I can find a new job and get on with my life. Like find my own place to live. One step at a time. Right?

I'm with the group of artists who have been having a hard time with this virus thing. Even though we thought we had more time to work on things, other things prevented the burst of creativity. What I've learned is that it's okay to not feel okay. These are not normal times. But look as every day as a new day and find something, one thing to work on. Even if it's something you've never done before. Like this Critter Challenge I'm doing. I would have never dreamt of drawing this way, yet here I am. Doing it. Something different. Here is my front page for my May Bullet Journal. It was late but I got it done.

Here are the last two drawings for a trio. Waiting for the next video to show up. These will be transferred to watercolor paper. I will probably add a few more things before painting.

Not much else creative has been happening and I was feeling bad about that. But now that things seem to be getting better in the world, I will attempt to get my creative mojo back. How are you guys and gals holding up?

It's a new day and a new week. We can do this.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


For now I will continue to work on my blog. It is still a place for me to collect my creative thoughts. To show the world what I'm working on. April slipped by me. I think time is slipping by many of us. Practically all of us were not here that last epidemic, let alone pandemic. Yet, here we are. A lot of stuff is confusing. Most want to do the right thing and we're being chastised because of it. This is from an old saying and I'm fluffy too but the fat lady hasn't even made it to the stage yet. My sinking feeling of what is going on is still sinking and about to pick up speed. I can only do my part to stay safe and I hope you will too.

Now... I'm giving myself all of May to get creatively crazy. Just get back to making something, even if it's just for me. Something to get the juices flowing again. There are many things I want to do and places I want to see, when we are truly able. Maybe next year. Maybe. For right now, it's one-day-at-a-time. I've gotten back to my 100 Critter Challenge. The first of three drawings. Still more to do on the drawing before I paint it, and seeing that the sketch was the size of a postage stamp, I think it's on its way.

Yesterday I made a pot of chili and sauteed some fresh veggies. I didn't want the veggies to go bad so that's what I did with them. I think I will make some veggie soup later in the week.

I've had this X-acto knife since I was in undergrad art school a million years ago. Okay, maybe about 30. I've replaced the blades (packs of 4 or 5) twice in all that time. I bought a new knife a few years ago because this one needed blades and I was too lazy to go out and get new ones. The new knife, made of plastic, had a broken handle within a few months. So I worked this last blade until it wouldn't cut anymore without making a mess of what I was trying to cut. One edge the tip was broken off. So I went out and got new blades. What I'm saying is that we (US) used to make a lot of stuff that lasted. There are companies still here that do. We should support them. This knife has lasted 30 years of art projects, home projects, breaking down boxes, cutting of things I probably shouldn't have used this knife for but did anyway. I'm going to have to find someone worthy to hand it down to.

I have a short list for this week. I'm ready to take the creative bull by the horns and see how that ride will be. Take care of yourselves. Let's hope for a positive summer.

Monday, April 20, 2020


I thought I was going to do better with my posting this month but I guess not. I'm just trying to get through each day one-day-at-a-time because making plans don't seem to want to work. I do have a list of things to do and I go through that list one project at a time. The past week I've been making masks for family and friends and right now, I don't want to see another mask. Some people are making them like gang busters and the masks are needed. I've run out of steam. I am grateful that in making the masks, I've gotten back to my sewing machine. And guess what? I think my iron is dying. Really? Now? When I can't get out to really check out a new one. Ugh!

There are days when I can conquer quite a bit. Then there are days when I just want to hide. The past few days I have been straightening up the art area. Putting away fabric I used for masks, finally going through a bag of antique lace someone gave me years ago. I was able to go to the hardware store and get a plastic container for the lace. After having that bag of lace for over 13 years, I'm finally seeing some of the really cool lace. Tatting. Teeny tiny crochet. Bits and pieces of things just the right size for dolls. Some pieces big enough to go onto costumes. So I guess that was a win.

I haven't been keeping up with my art challenges but that will change this week. While I'm still feeling pretty good. Time to finish some dollies. Start some new ones. Design others. And I've got two more short stories to work on.

Stay healthy people. Stay home. Contact others to say hi. We can do this.


 Okay, wow, geesh!  This year, this crazy year is going by so fast. A lot of stuff have been happening and I'm treading water. I'm h...