I still have time to make things for Easter and I finished these door hangers. Or hangers you can put on your cork board or wherever. They are fully appliqued felt and I think they’re pretty cute. Gotta love those bunners.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Money Saving Tip
I usually don’t have these. But I’ve found out that when you think you’ve used up the last of the lotion in a pump bottle or tube, you haven’t. I meant to post this some time ago but forgot to take a picture. So here it is. Do not throw that bottle of lotion away, especially if it’s in a plastic container as most are these days. Take some sharp scissors and carefully cut the bottle halfway down to remove the top portion. When it’s off, you can see down into the bottle and determine if you need to cut more of the plastic. You can then see how much more lotion you have in the bottom of that bottle. They make these things opaque so you can’t see that there’s still lots more you can use, instead of running out to the store to buy more when you think the thing is empty.
As you can see, there’s a lot left in this container. A good couple of days worth, if not more. So, take the time to see how much more lotion you have in that bottle before tossing it. After taking the top off, cover with a sandwich bag or some Cling Wrap and a rubber band.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
On My Table
One of these started out as an art postcard but I decided to turn it into a door hanger. Or something to hang, wherever. I decided to do five to see how they come out. Here’s what I have so far.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Bunner Bat Ornaments- 7 of 20
Here are some Bunner Bat Ornaments for Easter. They are a part of my own personal art challenge for Lent. The rat doesn’t count just yet because he isn’t dressed. I love bats and I love bunners, so here’s my combination.
One Rat Done
I finally finished a needle felted rat. It’s not totally finished because he will be dressed and have accessories. So technically, he’s still in the works. I used Sara Renzuli’s technique and I will be tweaking it to make rats that look closer to live rats. Have lots of ideas for these guys.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
I’ve gotten a bit further on my Halfsies. They have been fully covered with Rigid Wrap. I like using that before I use Creative Paperclay because the Rigid Wrap gives the piece a bit more strength. It’s just me. The process is not written in stone. But it saves on using tons of CP. I also started some bunner ornaments and although part of me wants them to be traditional bunnies, that little weird streak in me is saying, ‘creep them up’ a bit. We shall see. Right now everything is drying and I’ll turn my attention to the rats. See ya soon.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
More on My Table
I’m still working on my rats but I’m also working on some scarecrows and other Halloween pieces. So here they are.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
On My Table
I’ve decided to get back to needle felting. I can’t believe how much I’ve missed it. I’m working on rats. I like rats and if they didn’t have such a short lifespan, I would have one as a pet. I’m learning new techniques from Sara Renzuli of Sarafina Arts.
Now that I’ve started with her technique, I now know what I want to do with the next three. I’m not looking to do realistic rats and because I’m the artist, I can give you my take on what I really want to accomplish. That’s the thing about technique. You learn it from someone else, practice it and apply it to what you want to do, so that your style comes out.
They look like skinny moles but that’s okay for right now. There still is much to do. Also on my table are scarecrows. I cut up old breeches and a waistcoat I got from the costume shop. The fabric is worn and laundered and ready for me to turn them into something sweet and/or creepy. Stay tuned.
Friday, March 7, 2014
1- Columbian Doll
7 March -No pic post
I like having challenges. Something to work towards or for. If it helps me out in the process (financially), that's a bonus. But when the event is over, or the deadline met, I feel lost. The rush is gone and it takes a long time to build it back up again. There's nothing like getting into your zone. It's exciting and freeing and it makes you feel like you can solve all the world's problems and conquer the universe. But when the task is over and the surge of adrenaline is gone... poof... just gone, it can be bad. In the past, the crash would be so bad that I would cry for days, crawl under a blanket and suck my thumb. Okay, maybe not suck my thumb but rock back and forth. How would I get that fantastic feeling back? It took a couple of years to figure out what was going on and prepare for it. Now, instead of taking weeks to recover and get on with the next project, it's days.
Things that help me out or get into the next thing:
- start a project right before the previous adrenaline rush ends. That won't give me time to think about which project to start next. It won't give me time to be overwhelmed by all the projects I want to do. All 586,439 projects. Okay, not that many. Just wanted to see if you're paying attention.
- Listen to someone's voice. I have several friends who have amazing voices. I don't have to tell them what's wrong, just that I needed to hear their voice. And then they make me laugh and it puts me in a different frame of mind to get back to work, to keep going.
- Do a marathon of really bad movies. This is new. I've been watching disaster flicks. Most make me laugh. I know they aren't supposed to do that but they're so bad, that's all you can do so you won't try to sell dust bunnies online. They just make me feel like I can create anything.
- Pick something to do at the bottom of my list. And I have a very long list. Something I totally forgot that I was going to do.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
March -No pics
I accomplished my challenge of 29 Faces. It was fun doing it, trying to keep up with it all. I didn't get a chance to try as many different media that was part of the prompt but I finished it. I can always go back and continue to work with pen and ink, more watercolors, and color pencils. I'm good with getting better using those things. The thing is now, I have no adrenaline rush going on. Once I had my 29th face done, the rush was gone. Ack! Now I've got to build it up again. Right now, that's a challenge, especially with the crazy weather. I will have to work through this soon.
What I am going to do is make 20 pieces of art for Lent. The time period of. Many people give things up. I will give up cookies and chocolate so all the Girl Scout cookies have been devoured this Fat Tuesday. But I think I want to create to get back in the groove. So stay tuned. The art can be paintings, drawings, dolls, figures, applique. I want to thank those that have joined the party. Spring is coming. Spring is coming.
Have a good one!
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