Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2020

Still February

Working hard to get back in the groove of blogging. It's a way to get my feelings, ideas, and dreams out of my head and into the world. I think I will attempt a post every Monday. See how that goes. Waiting to hear back on a job but if nothing happens by March 1, the search will commence. Starting to look for another place to stay. That's so difficult when what you get paid, doesn't afford a one bedroom apartment in a decent area. Praying that my truck stays well for another year. It turned 20 almost two years ago and has over 220 + thousand miles. Love that truck. Praying that my laptop keeps working for another year. He's old and cannot take any new programs. Old programs are having a hard time updating and some have stopped.

I am not a patient person. I'm working on that. Now that I know what I want to do with myself, it is sometimes hard to just keep working on what makes me happy and feel content. It's been a struggle to get back to being creative after my knee surgery and all it entailed the end of last year.

I am back to working on dolls that were started some time ago. I have a doll show in April I would like to attend. I have new ideas for dolls, if I can just stay out of my way and play. Play with new materials and just see what happens. I have several ideas for big projects too. I have started learning new things such as weaving on a pin loom, and working on embroidery and applique.

Still working on the 29 Faces art challenge for the month.

Doll skirts for some dolls that have been sitting around forever.

A pin loom I got myself for Christmas. I have a project in mind for the weaving but needed to know how this thing worked. So fat so good. I practiced with yarn I had on hand and now I need to find what I think will really work for what I want to do.

My first woven pieces. The top are the latest ones. From left to right: The two lilac ones are worsted yarn. The pink, red, and dark purple are cotton. Bottom row were the first ones I made. From left to right: The two dark red and blue are 100% wool and the green ones are a wool, silk, and alpaca blend. I can also say I've started Christmas gifts.

I also did a thing last month that I can't talk about right now but it's exciting, and as soon as I can tell you about it, I will. Have a great week.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

It' Fall Y'all!

The knee is getting better and I was able to take a longer walk this morning. Boy was it nice and brisk. The wind slightly blowing, the sun was out, there was the crunching of leaves underfoot. I even had my new gloves on. And I got some pretty pics.

My little niece in North Carolina, well, she's not that little anymore but she's way into dolls right now and I am so very happy about that. She has an 18" doll in need of a wardrobe. So I borrowed one from my mom as a model and I got her cleaned up, her hair washed and a little trim. I also repaired her backside. Now she's ready for some clothes. I think I will make an old-fashioned Halloween outfit. That's about all I have time for but there's still Christmas coming up and more clothes.

I was also able to get some Halloween stamps. Yes, I still do snail mail and I'm so excited I was able to get some. When I got there, to the Post Office, I was told I was the fourth person to ask for them. This was a little after opening. Who knew there were other loonies like me out there? I was shocked that the PO put them out so late but that's okay. Usually they are sold out by the time I get stamps.

Last week wasn't the greatest with getting a single project done. But the new week starts today. I've got my list and I'm ready. I've got to be especially since I'm back on limited time at the job. And the holidays are coming up. Until next time, take care of yourselves.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Beat Goes On

Yes, it does. I had given up on posting on the regular until that holiday was over. I was getting more hours at work, so when I got home, I just wanted to eat and go to bed. But... it is over until the end of 2019. My schedule will get back to normal and I can do some serious creating. Got big plans for 2019. Still getting things sorted out. This morning I finally wrote my 'unfinished projects' list. Not as many as I thought there would be. Some will take a day or two to finish while others will take a bit longer. But I can still work on them along the way. I will have to. One is a roombox.

I have eaten so much stuff these past couple of weeks. Candy, both homemade and store bought; cookies, scones, did I mention cookies? Pie. Chocolate covered nuts. And then I was able to make it to my mother's for Christmas. She fed me. Ribs, mashed taters, and stir fry veggies. Yum! Stopped by my cousin's and she had homemade spaghetti. It was so good. I don't think I brought back enough as leftovers. Another cousin grilled (hey, this part of MI had no snow, not that that matters for grilling) and brought over ribs, chicken, prawns, and crab legs. So for breakfast, after starting back to exercising, I had pie for breakfast. The last of the bean pie. And lots of coffee. It will be difficult to break the sweet habit, especially when the roomie has it all over the house. My will is strong.

I didn't draw that much during the month except little things on the calendar that hangs on the fridge.

I made my roomie a pair of flannel lounging pants with little kitty cats all over. She loved them and the flannel was so nice, even after pre-washing the fabric. I hadn't sewn anything life size in awhile and I enjoyed it, so I will have to do more.

I got a really cool prop for some upcoming show. I'm thinking of making some creepy pumpkins and some skellies to go with it. It's kind of cool.

Having some tech problems, so I will post more later.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Still At It

Yep, still at it. I finally got my wayward stash of doll and art ideas under a wee bit of control. It took me three days to wrangle all the pieces and slips of paper and napkins that had ideas on them. I ended up with several categories: regular dolls, Halloween, ornaments, manly dolls, skellie things, bed/boudoir dolls, drawings/paintings, witches, and fiber art pieces. Some may overlap but those were the leading units. The oldest sketch was from 2012. I've got to step up my creative game.

I'm glad that I finally did it and now I can see what can be done and what needs to stay an idea or cute sketch. I've started my list for the first quarter of 2019 and I will go through the stack of ideas I should tackle first. I also have more days at the store until after next week. Then maybe I can have a couple more days to make things for me.

The sun is out and it's feeling quite nice outside. Not really Christmas type weather. Although I hope it will hold out until next weekend so that I can spend some time with my mother. That's my update.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

No Pic Post

Yeah... about that. I have done some small drawings in my Bullet Journal but not anything worth showing. Right now I'm working on getting my holiday happy back. I tell ya, working in retail at this time of year makes you want to turn into a dragon and fry some people. I was excited about the holidays... last month. Now I can't wait for them to be over. Once again, I'm buying gifts for myself that I will wrap and open on Christmas morning with the excitement and joy as if someone else bought them for me. I deserve gifts, even if they are from me to me.

This year is wrapping up. At least the one everyone else follows. I also follow another where the year ends on October 31st. Almost two months into that year and so far not doing to bad on what needs to get done. This other year starting in January, I don't know how I feel about that one yet. But, I have straightened my work area after my last two commissions and that feels good. It's not perfect but I know where most things are and I'm ready to go.

I have today to myself and I have a few gifts to wrap for friends. I'm writing this post. I finally saw 'Avengers Infinity War' and wow! I've seen it twice already and I'm trying to figure out how they are going to fix things in the next movie. I will watch it again until I have to take it back. Next to my show list that I'm working on, I will finally make myself go through all my doll/figure/art ideas. The ones written down and sketched out on slips of paper, corners of paper used for lists, and some are even on napkins. I've been putting it off long enough and now it's time to see what I've got. What can be used to make things come to be. Especially that I'm lining up shows. Gotta have new work for that. I have 17 more days to figure that out.

See ya.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I'm Here!

Still here on this plane on Earth. Dealing with more hours at work, trying to stay healthy with so many ill people around me, truck is doing a lot better, working on getting my 'happy for the holidays' back. I tell you, retail can suck the happiness out of the holidays. Can't wait until the next week and a half is over. No snow yet. On the good side...

I finished two commissions. I almost talked myself out from doing them (Bad Wendy) but I told myself that this is what I want to do. Even though things are hard for independent business owners, artists, writers, this is what I want to do. So I did it. Them. And they are off to their new homes.

I also did a drawing for an online art challenge and I'm behind. Here's my mutant candy cane. He has issues.

I will work on getting some of the other prompts done. Now I have to clear up the art area, go through fabric to see what I have for the next round of dolls. 2019 is so close and there are so many things I want to accomplish. Continuing on the big plan. Until next time, be good.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Foggy Morning

It was chilly the day before and it heated up yesterday but cooled off again overnight. I woke up to this this morning.

But then the sun decided to scream through the fog and it was amazing.

Yesterday I was able to get the skellie mermaid that I had seen at Michael's Craft Store. I had my eyes on it for the past two months almost. Of course they had moved their Halloween items because Christmas is now taking over. The sales associate had to go in the back to find her. There were two left. And this one is mine. Love her. She will get a bikini top, a ratty skirt, a dead lei, some jewelry around her neck and a crown of fish skeletons. That will happen after my doll show the first weekend in October.

Isn't she great! Have a nice day.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Hello February!

Well... January was a bust but that's okay. Sometimes you need a fake start to get to the real one. I pray that the universe will be kind this month so I can get some things done but who am I kidding? So here's the first bit of art for the month. Oh, I'm also attempting 29 Faces this year.


Friday, December 22, 2017

Cancel That

My 30 day challenge isn't going well because if increased hours at the other job. So instead of beating myself up over the fact that not much is getting done, I will wait until January when my hours are back to normal. I will still be doing things such as sketching and picking fabrics, continue to downsize, and trying to figure out how to store my buttons. A friend's mother gave me a file box full of buttons. Many of them on cards. The bigger ones can be used for clothes or costumes, so I can't just give them away. As soon as I do, I will make something and need them.

The snow here has just about melted. Which is good. Maybe tomorrow after the job I can get a walk in but my knee is telling me that something is coming our way. I'm also fighting the first signs of a head cold which starts with a scratchy throat. Great. I'm working on it. I have Christmas and the day after off, so I don't want to be sick. I guess it was inevitable, t'is the season to get smacked by a bug or two.

I'm working on cup two of coffee and thinking I may want to change the foot shape of my new boudoir or bed doll. before I stuff the ones that are ready. Then I can see which foot works best.

Have a wonderful Friday.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


It's November. Wow! It came so fast. It seemed to take forever for October to get here and now it's a sort of fond memory. I saw snow fall on my walk yesterday and now I guess fall is over and winter is setting in. We all know it's going to happen if you live in northern climes so, well, it is what it is.

I will be participating in NaNoWrimo this month and will be posting my word count soon. Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

It's July!

Wow! That was fast. I added another day of celebrating for the birthday. I went to a cool fabric store with a friend and then she took me to lunch. And then there was the holiday, July 4th, and I just kind of chilled out. Now I'm getting back to business. I had a nice time off to enjoy and reflect the rest of the year. Because, the year is officially halfway over. The days are getting shorter. Eegads! So here are a few things I've done the past week or so. Some new forest folks based on an alpaca wearing a leather bomber jacket. It was on a greeting card. Which I can't seem to find. Moving sucks.

I did a few more sketches but it doesn't seem like I took pics. Will rectify that shortly and put in my next post. I will be working on my Raggedy Ann doll and get some doll pins painted. The next holiday (so-to-speak) is in September.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Some Sketches

And bloomers. I tell ya, getting back on track after a huge upheaval is work. I keep telling myself that it's okay to be a work in progress as long as there is progress. My mother is involved with a group of ladies who participate in dressing dolls for little girls during the holidays. It's through the Goodfellas charity organization and they pledge that no child should not have a toy for Christmas. The girls get dolls. The dolls are handed out to those who wish to dress them and I'm making some dresses. Instead of having my head explode over the project, I started with one section at a time. First up, underpants. This was the first time I made a pattern, sewed the piece, and it fit. I cut out seven more. Today I will design a dress.

I am working on sketching everyday too. This was yesterdays page. One can't get better unless one keeps at it. At something.

And I'm further along on my second Redwork piece. Maybe I can finish him today too. He's very colorful. I think I'm liking that.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Yes, it's Thanksgiving Day. I am thankful for the place where I'm living, that it's warm and safe; for the food I have to eat; for my wonderful friends; for my family; for my ability to think and reason; for my creativity and spark; for my determination to make things better for me, others, and the planet; that my truck is still running; and that I'm still a work in progress.

It isn't only about the history part, because there are those who don't celebrate. But it's a day to give thanks. For many things in your life. So have a wonderful day. Call someone you care about. Say hi or give a smile to someone you don't know.

Friday, February 19, 2016

My Work Table

It's been awhile since my work table looked like this. It was scary and exhilarating and fun at the same time. I hadn't felt that in a long time. How long? Three years long. Eek! Yep, I looked back. Way back. I'm grateful for my blog because I was able to go back and see when I was the most productive. What did I do differently? The time when I had a regular job, I got home, ate, and got busy. I designed and made things. Cool things and for whatever reason I lost that. Well now, I'm working my butt off to get it back.

I've made these critters before and I thought it would be the best small project to do to get back into the groove of things. Bad Wendy and the monkey were trying to poo poo my efforts. I told them to find a corner and be quiet. Sometimes you can't rush the really cool things you want to do after being away from it for so long. When I found out how long it had been, I cried. Three years gone; not creating anything. I mourned. Creating is like breathing but I guess I was underwater during that time. Now I've broken the surface. Doing the doggy paddle. And that's okay. Or maybe I was knocked out like Sleeping Beauty and Good Wendy threw paint brushes, paint, and maybe a sewing machine at me and I woke up.

For the past couple of months, I thought to myself that I've got to get back to making things. I've got to get that spark back. That it's okay to start back up, small. I gave myself permission to start small, with something I was familiar with. And now I'm ready for the next thing.

My St. Patrick's Day bat ornaments. I love bats and these make me happy.

And my bunner door hangs. I like them too.

There were plenty of times during the creation of these little guys where Bad Wendy was trying to get me off track. And I worked very hard at being in the moment. One stitch at a time. One little piece that goes next. I was so tired when I got done. My brain screamed at me. "What the heck do you think you're doing?" I answered back, "I'm using you." Maybe someone will buy them. Maybe not. But the creative floodgates have been opened. At least a bit.

One day at a time. One project at a time. One step at a time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bat Ornaments

Last week I got some bat ornaments started for St. Patrick's Day. I'm a bit ahead of schedule. Better not smile too much.

Somehow I ended up with more heads than bodies. Oh well.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Made It

Yep, I made it; survived Christmas. It didn't work out like I'd thought. I was very excited to be in the holiday spirit this year. I was really looking forward to it and then bam! I got sort of blind sided. By what, you ask? The crazy weather. I enjoyed driving the streets at night, looking at the decorations. I got ingredients for a nice dinner. I had pot roast, red potatoes, and carrots. Fixed that on Christmas Eve in my crock pot. The best thing was the crock pot liner. Those things are amazing for people who like one dish meals and don't like to clean up afterwards. I was all set. But the weather did something to me. I was out of sorts. Not necessarily depressed but kind of confused. All of a sudden I wanted Christmas to be over. Then I heard from several others and the news that people were feeling the same thing, out of sorts. Because of the unusually warm temperatures. Yep, that would do it. So I rallied and bounced back a bit so I could enjoy Christmas Eve and Day.

It's still warm. About 20 degrees above normal for this time of year. But yesterday I continued straightening and rearranging things to get going on creating new work. I now have different stations set up for different projects. I want to jump out of the 2016 gate. Last year I had dubbed 2015 the Year of the Creative Juggernaut. That didn't happen, as the fates, faeries, and numerous goddesses were in on a joke. Me being the butt of it. I was taken in a new direction and it has been a ride. Not the worse one I've had but a weird one. I now have a growing business and it's time to get back to creating. I really want to and feel that I'm ready. I had to go through horse poo in order to get to this point. I will not say that I'm not terrified, again. Story of my life. It is my life and I'm owning it. I will work through the fear and press on. I've started my lists, written down plans and goals. I'm accumulating all my creative, intellectual, emotional ammunition and mixing it with a lot of bravery. My ancestors are watching.

2016 will be the Year of the Phoenix. There were a lot of ashes this year and I shall arise and bring along the Juggernaut.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Little Mariachi Band

I got a request to make a Day of the Dead Mariachi Band. I finally got started. One will have a horn, one a guitar, and one a drum.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Bunner Door Hangers- 12 of 20

I still have time to make things for Easter and I finished these door hangers. Or hangers you can put on your cork board or wherever. They are fully appliqued felt and I think they’re pretty cute. Gotta love those bunners.

Bunner Quad Bunner Trio Bunner Duo

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

On My Table

One of these started out as an art postcard but I decided to turn it into a door hanger. Or something to hang, wherever. I decided to do five to see how they come out. Here’s what I have so far.

bunner hangers

Monday, March 24, 2014

Bunner Bat Ornaments- 7 of 20

Here are some Bunner Bat Ornaments for Easter. They are a part of my own personal art challenge for Lent. The rat doesn’t count just yet because he isn’t dressed. I love bats and I love bunners, so here’s my combination.

Bunner Bat Ornaments


 Okay, wow, geesh!  This year, this crazy year is going by so fast. A lot of stuff have been happening and I'm treading water. I'm h...