Showing posts with label 31 Days of Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 31 Days of Halloween. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Now it's November

Yes sirree, it's November. Second to the last month of the year. What happened? Don't know but I'm still hanging around. Still working on getting the knee better. Back to working on a limited basis because of said knee. Had a wonderful fall this year, so there's that. Beautiful colors, walking in the neighborhood on clear mornings where the air is crisp and clean. Sometimes walking in the early morning fog, and crunching leaves underfoot. I can't remember the last time I had an actual fall that lasted more than two days. It did snow Halloween night and I did work but that's okay.

The snow didn't stay long but I guess this next season is here. The temperatures haven't been getting any higher than high 40s and in the morning it's been quite chilly. I started my 365 Days of Halloween by doing small drawings on a calendar. Not the greatest but I did it everyday. I may take some of the drawings and do more detailed ones.

There won't be a big Christmas this year. There usually isn't. My niece will get doll clothes. And there are a few things for my mom. Will be working on saving money for a big trip in the near future. But for now, I'm working on projects already started and participating in NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month. 50,000 words during the month of November. I didn't finish last year but I'm planning on finishing this year. So far I have 2631 words written. That's my update. Have a great day.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


October is zooming by and not going according to plan. I am working on dealing with it. Still getting the knee better, back to work on a limited basis, and trying to get back to creating things. Anything on the regular. It's been hard but I tell myself it's only been about two months since my surgery and to cut myself some slack. Working on it. But it has turned out to be a wonderful fall. Cool temps, gusting winds, rain, colorful leaves... it's been a true fall. Going for walks and crunching leaves; I can't remember the last time that happened.

The colors have been great. I'm enjoying everything and filing it in my head and I think I will have to get some of these pics printed off. Now if we can have a decent Halloween night. No rain or snow or freezing temps. That would be perfect.

Below are some more Frida dolls finally painted and ready for clothes. I guess I should take another pic because their faces are done. I will be painting other dolls today. I have been doing tiny sketches on a calendar all month long and will show those soon. At least I'll get 31 days of Halloween.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Getting Back

Recovery from any surgery is slow and steady. Especially with joints. You're terrified that you'll do something wrong and re-injure yourself, all the while your physical therapist says you're fine and to trust the joint. I no longer have shooting pain which I enjoy. It will still take time to trust myself but I'm getting there.

I'm also working on getting back to creating things. For about two and a half months, I hadn't created anything because of the pain. Now I feel like I'm coming out of a fog. Also working on not beating myself up because I may miss making Halloween pieces again. Oh well. One day-at-a-time, one thing at a time. So I started with little things begun before surgery. Like my hexie (English Paper Piecing) pincushions. It seems to be a comfort thing making them, plus I'm using up a lot of scraps. And working on getting some sort of consistency with sketching. I would like to do a personal art challenge for the month of October.

Here's what I've been up to so far. Another mushroom. I used Derwent Ink Tense paints, Derwent Watercolor Pencils, and Micron Pen.

This is my Frida Kahlo doll I started when the sun formed. Her skirt and top were done last month. She'll get dressed and hair on soon.

Here are some finished and unfinished pincushions. I may make some different shapes too. Square, rectangle. Why not? Believe it or not, this is a project that calms me down and helps me to think of bigger projects.

Things are perfect. They never will be but I'm working on being comfortable being me and being creative again. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Hello November

Isn't great how time just keeps marching on whether you're in step or not? And here we are. November. We have two more months of this year left. But because Samhain happened last night and is the start of a New Year for some, I'm going to do that. Start a new year with new things (because I can) and get another rough draft of a novel done for NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. 50,000 words for the month of November. I made it last year and I will make it this year. The difference this year is that I will continue to refine and edit a draft and see where that takes me. As usual there's lots to do this month. I have one more doll show to do and that one is in Toledo, OH on November 18th. More on that later. And because my stock is way down, I will be doing more sewing to get it up again and ready for the show.

Last month there were so many drawing challenges. Inktober being one of them. I started it but didn't finish. I did manage a few drawings on the calendar on the refrigerator. My roommate did three of them.

It was fun keeping up with that. She would leave suggestions for me and I would think about it for a day and then draw it. Got keep going with the sketch/drawing thing. That's my update. Gotta get some words written. Have a nice evening.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Day 2- 31 Days of Halloween

I was going to write a longer post of my very cool weekend getaway but time got away. So here's my drawing for October and I did continue to set up my Bullet Journal.

Yes, I spelled piranha wrong. Whatever. A cross between Audrey and Day of the Triffids. I think. Maybe not.

The beginnings of October. Lots more room to fill in. And my creative muse team is growing. Bailey has a new friend who doesn't have a name yet. He is a creation by the wonderful artist Nicole Johnson of mealy mOnster land.

Also been packing for the doll show this weekend. Gotta get more organized. Later!

#mealymonsterland nicolejohnson

Monday, October 1, 2018

How Did That Happen?

I wasn't looking. Hello October! Finally some cooler temps. Today we got tons of rain and now the fog is moving in. Kind of creepy. Very Halloween like. And once again, I'm not ready. There's nothing like freaking out under-the-gun of getting things done. My doll show is this weekend and well... I'm flying by the seat of my pants. Maybe not, I am ready. It's that same old thing, am I good enough? It doesn't matter now... the show must go on.

What I am working on, one of the many things I'm working on is to sketch or draw something everyday in October. Hopefully I will be able to carry it on through November and December. But we'll start with this month. I don't know if I'll be following any of the wonderful challenges online but I will do my own creepy thing. Here's my first drawing.

I lightly sketched it in pencil first then went back in with a Tombow calligraphy pen. I love that pen. It's the W5-BH. I don't know what that means but it came with another pen with a larger point. Brush. I'm still learning how to work with them. It really works like a brush or a pen. The size of the sketchbook is 4" x 6" and I found it clearing out my stuff at my mom's. Dated when I was back in undergrad. Yikes! Many, many seasons ago. A lot of trips around the sun. Again, I love sketchbooks, I just don't fill them up. Have a good evening.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Here She Is!

It finally came through. Good grief.

I'm supposed to be participating in Inktober and here is my first one. Yep, I'm behind. But the month is still young.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Happy October!

Here we are. A brand new month. I'm finally getting over the creeping crud and feel just about human. This is my favorite month of the year and there's even a Friday the 13th this month. How creeptastic is that? The temps have finally dropped and it feels like autumn instead of summer. The leaves aren't changing as fast because it's been kind of dry but they're forecasting rain later in the week. Friends online are putting up their October decorations and I'm living vicariously through them. Some people are so talented.

Yesterday, I went with a friend to the Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween art show in Chelsea, MI. It was wonderful. I couldn't take pics because of the crowd and I was too busy looking at everything. I finally was able to see the work of artists I follow online and meet them. It was really cool because they recognized me first while I recognized their work. I got lots of hugs and felt in my element. The creativity was amazing. And I am so ready to get started. There's nothing wrong with starting again. Oh, I've also secured part-time employment, so we'll see how the creative stuff goes. I have to get some type of a costume worked up because I've been invited to a Halloween party. There's a first for everything.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

31 Days of Halloween

Yes, I'm still working on that challenge and may be a little behind but that's okay. I gave it a go and I'm okay with that. I used Ink Tense paints and India ink.

#31daysofhalloween #bitofred #skelllie #shrunkenhead

Monday, October 17, 2016

A Little Behind

Where do I start? Okay, with some new drawings. Wow. It's been weird because of the constant battles. That's another post. Still working on 31 Days of Halloween and Inktober.

Here's the beginning of one of two projects. I forgot to take pics of the first project and I will make sure I do that tonight.

I also started two new ornament designs and hope to get the prototypes sewn up tomorrow. I'm hoping that my creative mojo is waking up. So much to do.

#31daysofhalloween #inktober #penandink

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

31 Days Continues

Yes, the challenge continues and here are two more drawings. Both I used a fountain pen and ink with a little red.

#31daysofhalloween #bitofred #skellie #kidvampire

Sunday, October 9, 2016


After a week of errands, paying bills, laundry, and that goofy hurricane, I can finally get back to creating. Today I'm feeling a little bit sleepy and just want to chill out before getting the week started. I am allowed that. I woke up early and started writing. Maybe that's why I'm tired. But if I didn't wake up at 4 AM to write things down, I would have totally forgotten everything. And that was after I had just gotten back to sleep after a goofy bird started chirping at 2 AM. Seriously? He must have been blown off course and didn't realize what time zone he was in. I made a spinach pie this morning and just got it out of the oven and now have on a crock pot of beans. I made rice yesterday. So now I don't have to cook for a few days. I need a nap.

More of my 31 Days of Halloween. Pumpkin Kid is ready for bed.

Conjure Woman.

#31daysofhalloween #inktober

Thursday, October 6, 2016

31 Days of Halloween

Or Inktober. I'm a little behind but I did do 20 voodoo dolls and they have been delivered to their destination. I hope they all sell and find good homes. Here's my ink drawing with a bit of red.

#31daysofhalloween #inktober #redeye #pumpkinman

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

I'm Here! I'm Here!

Yeah, yeah. Running errands, paying bills, grocery shopping, and doing laundry... yeah, I think I'm good for awhile. I got something done! Woo hoo! 20 voodoo doll ornaments/pins. Everyone has been signed and dated and I only have to do hang tags. Tomorrow.  I'm behind on my 31 DOH but will catch up, tomorrow. I guess this could be a part of my 31 DOH. Yeah.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

New Challenge

Yes, I'm crazy. I'm doing a 31 Days of Halloween challenge this month. I want to do a black, white, and red drawing or painting each day in October. We'll see what happens. Here's number 1. India ink with permanent marker.

#pumpkin #halloweendrawing #pumpkinman #blackwhitered

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wrap up of October 2013

I say it every month.  Can't believe this one is over.  I was able to decorate a small section of my apartment this year.  Now that I've gotten started, next year will be better.  It's taken me seven years to get to this point.  I can start planning for 2014, tomorrow.

It wasn't a bad month.  Still working on not being too hard on myself.  Along with getting two part-time local gigs I accomplished:

  • read one out of three books
  • 14 out of 31 Days of Halloween
  • Got 13 ornaments done
  • Painted two complete pics and worked on five
  • Cut out my pirate vest (almost done)
  • 3637 words on Map Hunter 3- rough draft
  • 6750+ more general writing (a total of 10,387 words for the month)
  • Participated in online doll group swap
  • Began to teach a young lady how to sew
I know I am way hard on myself and my accomplishments but this blog is for my creative journey.  I'm just now getting started and this year isn't over yet.  I will be starting NANOWRIMO tonight at midnight.

Write a novel in a month, 50 thousand words from November 1 to November 30.  I will be working on at least three short stories but may add another one.  I know I'll hit my mark this year.  I have started a list for November and may have to take it down a notch because of NANO.  I also have a craft fair this month too.

I thought fall was here but today it's going to be in the 70s.  Enough already.  May everyone have a wonderful Halloween.  Stay safe.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

31 Days of Halloween - 14

I know I won't make it a full 31 days but that's okay.  It was good having a personal challenge.  Will I do something like that again?  You bet.  Starting next month.  In two days.  But here is my latest.  An alien ornament out of felt.  He's cute.  I don't know if I like the buttons or not.  But he's done.

He's a grey.  I have green felt for little green men.  The top of the hat has chenille stem in it for a little posing. I do have other buttons I will try.  What do you think?

Monday, October 28, 2013

31 Days of Halloween - 13

Thirteen is a good number.  But I'm so far behind on this personal challenge.  I will continue to work on it but here's number 13.  Bat in Winter Hats ornaments.  I think they turned out quite well.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

31 Days of Halloween #12

Yikes! This month is getting by me so fast.  But I have two big projects I'm working on that will keep me alive and well.  I still have almost two weeks in this month, so get ready to see some more stuff.  I'm also going to start working on things for my last two shows and get more work into some shops.  I love this time of year.

This is acrylic paint on canvas board. 9" x 12"

Vase of Skulls

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Halloween Swap Ornament- 31 Days 11

My online doll group has a Halloween Ornament swap going on and this little gal, Serilda is on her way to a new home.  Good thing because she's really cute and I was falling in love with her.  So I guess there is a plus at getting things done at the last minute.  Just kidding.

She has a tulle underskirt, painted boots and face, and there's a pipe cleaner in her hat and can be posed a bit.  The spider is a charm and it does look like she's not expecting that particular kind of friend.

Here's a painting tip: To paint feet or shoes, stick the legs in a toe separator. Yeah, the ones you use for your toesies.


 Okay, wow, geesh!  This year, this crazy year is going by so fast. A lot of stuff have been happening and I'm treading water. I'm h...