Showing posts with label Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writing. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2020


2020 has been a weird year. And it keeps going that way. But... but... I'm going to step out on a little faith and work on getting back on the creative track. The road. The way. All I can do is to work on keeping myself and my family and friends safe. Wearing a mask and not going out if I don't have to. I pray that we will eventually see the positive side of this virus that's going on. These times have been truly difficult on creative types. Not knowing what's going on, battling depression, isolation even though most like working on their own; it's the not being able to see anyone or talk to them or hug them.

Soooo... it's time to move on. Move forward, keep going. This is my month for getting back to making and completing things to have for Halloween. Working still on the confidence, the fear, and doubt. But I have so many other big plans coming down the way, that this is a must do. I can't wait to see what comes forth from my wonderful hands.

I did manage to clear up my bedroom floor. I broke down and bought one of those desk trays for paper projects. I got a 6 tier on and was able to get all my stories off the floor. It looks so much better and has cleared up some of my creative blockage.

New cat rat toy design. Because weaving fabric takes too much time. I have a box full of upholstery fabric I can use up.

I'm planning on this being a trend. Getting back to working creatively. Y'all have a great day. I'll be back.

Monday, April 20, 2020


I thought I was going to do better with my posting this month but I guess not. I'm just trying to get through each day one-day-at-a-time because making plans don't seem to want to work. I do have a list of things to do and I go through that list one project at a time. The past week I've been making masks for family and friends and right now, I don't want to see another mask. Some people are making them like gang busters and the masks are needed. I've run out of steam. I am grateful that in making the masks, I've gotten back to my sewing machine. And guess what? I think my iron is dying. Really? Now? When I can't get out to really check out a new one. Ugh!

There are days when I can conquer quite a bit. Then there are days when I just want to hide. The past few days I have been straightening up the art area. Putting away fabric I used for masks, finally going through a bag of antique lace someone gave me years ago. I was able to go to the hardware store and get a plastic container for the lace. After having that bag of lace for over 13 years, I'm finally seeing some of the really cool lace. Tatting. Teeny tiny crochet. Bits and pieces of things just the right size for dolls. Some pieces big enough to go onto costumes. So I guess that was a win.

I haven't been keeping up with my art challenges but that will change this week. While I'm still feeling pretty good. Time to finish some dollies. Start some new ones. Design others. And I've got two more short stories to work on.

Stay healthy people. Stay home. Contact others to say hi. We can do this.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


I will try better to post on a regular basis for this month. These are strange and unusual times. There is nothing normal about it. And though I have more time on my hands right now, I have a hard time wanting to be creative. I'm working on that. I'm learning that it's okay to want to sit and cry, or be angry with what's going on, that I can't leave the house and meet up with friends or my mom. I just don't want to stay there. In the darkness and think there will never be light again. Everyday is it's own day. And I take it one day-at-a-time.

Like so many others, I have started making masks. For friends and family who have to go out for groceries or to work. Here's my prototype. I'm using whatever I have in my very low fabric stash. I don't have elastic and it's hard to come by, so I'm making fabric ties. Better for washing. Over time, elastic breaks down. My hair is a fright and so is this pic. Sorry about that.

I'm still working on my 100 Critter project. A bit behind on that. But here's what I've been doing.

I even pulled out a recipe this past weekend and cooked. Shrimp, farro, spinach (because when one wants to find Swiss Chard it's nowhere to be found), broth, Parmesan and Feta cheese, and I topped it off with grape tomatoes for a little color. It was so good. Next time, I will double the recipe. Made this in the crock pot.

And I put together a jigsaw puzzle because I love doing them. This one was a challenge but I got it together anyway. I wish I had some of these yummies to munch on.

I'm going to try to see if I can get a link in. I am now a published writer. My short story Ancestor Ghosts has been published in the spring 2020 edition of Sirens Call Publications e-zine. I'm on page 92, Wendy L. Barber. It's very exciting to finally have others be able to read my work.

Okay then, I'm off to get some masks done, keep drawing, writing, and get back to some doll making. Stay safe, stay home, we will get through this.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Hello November

Isn't great how time just keeps marching on whether you're in step or not? And here we are. November. We have two more months of this year left. But because Samhain happened last night and is the start of a New Year for some, I'm going to do that. Start a new year with new things (because I can) and get another rough draft of a novel done for NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. 50,000 words for the month of November. I made it last year and I will make it this year. The difference this year is that I will continue to refine and edit a draft and see where that takes me. As usual there's lots to do this month. I have one more doll show to do and that one is in Toledo, OH on November 18th. More on that later. And because my stock is way down, I will be doing more sewing to get it up again and ready for the show.

Last month there were so many drawing challenges. Inktober being one of them. I started it but didn't finish. I did manage a few drawings on the calendar on the refrigerator. My roommate did three of them.

It was fun keeping up with that. She would leave suggestions for me and I would think about it for a day and then draw it. Got keep going with the sketch/drawing thing. That's my update. Gotta get some words written. Have a nice evening.

Friday, January 19, 2018


I know it's been a bit but the first three weeks of the first month of the New Year have been a bit sucky. And I wasn't kind to myself. Yep, still working on that. I do know what happened but don't want to go over it now that I've dealt with it. The past rearing it's ugly head once more. I think that will always happen so I shall continue to move on. I think more morning pep talks are needed. I did get a wonderful writing pep talk from a lovely friend in North Carolina. I told her of a problem I was having with one of my stories and she got me to seeing things in a different way. And I've been getting encouragement from a couple of doll makers who work in air dry clay. I'm going to finish something in that new medium, for me, this month. It won't be perfect but I'll have something to show.

I did manage to get down into the dungeon this morning and finally get some sewing of the body parts done. For several days, it's been freezing down there and one time I was wrapped up so much I looked like Ralphie's brother on his way to school. I believe that put a damper on many things and well... the slope got steeper and the slide ensued. I finally got Raggedy Ann done. Oh my gosh! It has been crossed off the list. I also have been sketching and forgot to take a pic and I will do that tonight. But she is done and I can give her back to her owner.

Feeling better about things, so let's hope I can keep it going. Sometimes I feel like a teenager with all this creative angst. Stay warm.

Thursday, January 4, 2018


It's really hard getting a start in the New Year. First, you have to figure out what day it is after all the days off for holidays and whatnot. Then it's finding and getting back into some kind of schedule, which I have to cut myself some slack and remind myself that I'm still in the first week of everything new. The weather isn't helping, being 20 degrees below normal for this time of year and all I want to do is hibernate. But I can't.

I got my first new doll pattern done and a prototype made up. I need to make a few changes but I'm liking the doll so far. It doesn't look like much but it's a start.

I think I will finish three at a time to see if I really like the pattern. I've also gotten in a second edit for two short stories. Not much happens when my work schedule is midday but it's still early in the month to figure that out. Stay warm and have a good day.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Day 1, page 1.

2018. A new book in my life. Right now, I'm feeling pretty good. I got on the scale this morning and was back down to the weight I had before Halloween. Last year I wanted to lose 10 pounds. Well, I lost 12. That's a way to get a new year started. The beginning and end of last year threw me down a hole of dead fish and I struggled to make sense of things. But there were some nice points last year. Yes, I shall start to write down the nice times and events and personal progress. Last year I:

  • Challenged myself to read 39 books and succeeded. I read for fun. My goal for this year is 45 books and include more non-fiction.
  • Visited South Haven with a friend. I really like that town and saw a great lighthouse and went sailing on a sloop.
  • Got in touch with two young ladies I used to take care of. It was a great reunion. This year we plan on seeing more of each other.
  • Reconnected with a costume pal from university. My new partner-in-crime.
  • Discovered the town's wonderful library.
  • Designed new dolls that I will start creating this year.
  • Got into an upcoming doll show in the spring.
  • Got a part-time job.
  • Went up north with new partner-in-crime, saw more lighthouses and finally visited Mackinac Island. That was fun.
  • Made some new friends.
  • Saw an old friend from high school.
  • Bought myself a new light box for myself for Christmas.
  • Wrote 4 new short stories that will be edited this year so I can find an e-zine for publication.
  • Got new glasses. I can see!
  • Finished NaNoWrimo (National Novel Writing Month) with 50,411 words. I will be participating again this year.
  • Made my Halloween costume and wore it to a party. Got 4th place. 
  • Went to Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween art show with partner-in-crime.
  • Went to a teddy bear show with another friend.
  • Went to the DIA (Detroit Institute of Arts) with a college friend who is one of my biggest cheerleaders. We sat in the Atrium and drank wine.
I'm sure there were a few other nice things, good things that happened but this year, I will write them down. Let's make that a thing to do in 2018. Let's remember the good things that happen to us and not give the bad things so much space in our heads. 

Have a great first day.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Day 3 - Creative Challenge

I know it's Day 4 but yesterday was kind of weird. First, I had to do the work thing and then some errands (grocery store, pick up driving glasses), helped my friend set up for her party for her group. No, I didn't go to the party because I was kind of done being peopley by the end of the day. So I went to the library and did some writing and sketching and I even got a quick nap. No, as my granny used to say, "I'm not sleeping, I'm resting my eyes." It was very soothing there, being surrounded by a bunch of books. Everything was great until some teenager came into the room where I was and decided not to pick up his feet when he walked, and sighed as if he had subbed for Atlas for fifteen minutes. Good grief. Anyway, I got some sketching done. I redid the new doll pattern and sketched some clothes. Either for this doll or the ornament which is also on the docket. I may have to go back to the library in the evening.

I will post Day 4 later on. Have a great day.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Day 2- Creative Challenge

Okay then, it snowed all day. I did get out in the afternoon to move snow out of the way but started to come down hard and within an hour or more, it didn't look like I had done anything. Oh well, glad I didn't have to go to the job. I did my bit to clean the place, my friend is having a holiday party tomorrow. I got my paranormal short story typed up and printed off. Now the good stuff starts, editing. I made a simple sketch of a pattern for the new doll and will cut it out tomorrow to see if I like this pattern or not. If not, I'll do a separate head and body.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

30 Days

That's how long it takes to start a new habit. I'm kind of settled on my so-called work schedule and know which days I can do creative stuff and which days I can't. So I am going to start creating things, working on things each day for the next 30 and see what happens. It may be a small thing that I do or something involved. For today, I am showing a doll I did years ago. I sort of liked her, but she wasn't what I was going for. I didn't throw her away because I knew I wanted to try again. I like her size. Not too thrilled with her head or face, the hands most definitely don't work, and her feet are way too big. She's wearing a late 1980s combination and a slip. I'm thinking of making her style a little later, like 1920s and I will toy with a one piece head and body or try another head separate from the body like this little miss has right now. I will work on her design today and show pics tomorrow.

Also on the docket for today is to finish up a paranormal short story. I get halfway through things and quit. I think this 30 day things will keep me on point for a bit. And you can call me on it if I don't produce.

Saturday, December 2, 2017


Here we are. A new month. The last one of 2017. I thought I would be able to leave November on a good note. And pretty much, I did. I finished NaNoWrimo (National Write a Novel in a Month) with 50,411 words. I am very proud of that but then I had to go to the optometrist because I was having problems seeing and it's been awhile since I had my last exam. Yep, got hit with a huge bill. The frames weren't that bad it was the lenses. My prescription had changed a lot and then all the stupid tests they did... well, it added up. But now I will be able to see better. A creative type needs to be able to see.

Okay, so I get used to that bill and then a tire goes flat. November 30, at night. At least I made it back to the house and didn't get stuck on the road. I not only needed one new tire but four. It seems like it's been awhile since I last got some and all were rotted out. Great. Another bill. Thanks universe.

On the plus side, I did do 50,411 words. That feels good. I also got the ending to a short story I'd been working on and came up with another short story, so for 2017, it's been a good year for writing. Now to get back to creating things. I so miss making dolls. That, I will work on this month. Production. Have a good month.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Gonna Figure Things Out

Yep... everyday is a new day and you just don't know what you're going to get. Have to remember not to take things personally because most people I won't see again. I'm talking about the latest job. I did get a walk in this morning. Beautiful sunrise. I'm looking at it as a good way to start a new and good day. And to stop overthinking things.

I really do like the neighborhood I'm in. There are two ponds very close to each other and the past two mornings I was able to see a grey heron. The first time I think we scared each other. Yesterday while I was having lunch, I saw a hawk take a bath in one of the ponds. That was a new one. And a few days ago, a coyote pranced across the backyard. This is the part I like about living in a small town. Nature.

I'm behind on my NaNo but I have the weekend off so I will be catching up. My plan is to edit some old pieces while this new piece is percolating in a drawer somewhere. I've started clearing more things out and downsizing yet again. More things will be going to charity by the end of the year. I've got things set aside for the spring subdivision yard sale next year. Working on changing some things; not waiting until the new year. Have a good day.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

New Stuff

Finally got a chance to cut out some new things. I've been asked to do a few more Cauldron Critters (on the left) and I'm trying a free pattern of a troll by doll artist Ute Vasina. I love her work and it was very nice of her to offer one of her patterns for free. No instructions, so I'm truly winging it. She is posting pics of her troll as she's working on it on Facebook. We'll see if I can get this little guy or gal finished.

That's a big problem that I have. I can design it. I can start it and get it to being almost finished and then I stop. I don't finish it at all. I'm working on that. It's a big problem right now. But everyday is a new day and I just have to keep going. Sometimes I have to start again but I will not give up. So I guess I'm still on the creative wagon.

I have 13,114 words for NaNoWrimo. I'm sort of up-to-date. I want to try to get ahead by the end of the weekend so I won't have to rush around November 28th.  That's it for now.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Start, Stop, Start

Okay, this has been a weird six months. I relocated back to Michigan from North Carolina and I'm still adjusting. I'm now looking for some work and I'm okay with that. It was a big move and resources have been tapped. For awhile I felt like a failure and beat myself up a lot. But I've some wonderful friends who believe in me and my work and they have helped me get through a lot of things. I'm still learning about my new community but I'm ready to get back onto the creative bus. Train. Boat. It's time to put the big girl pants back on along with the tool belt and shoulder holster. And I'm working through one of my lists. Here's what I'm working on this week. Four projects need to be finished by the end of the week. Others need to be worked on.

I've got three cloth dolls to finish, two aliens to dress, a table runner to work on, a short story to retype, some doll dresses to make, and a purse to make. Wish me luck.

Monday, July 24, 2017


Finally. I just had a short staycation and I didn't do anything. I was able to just sit and think and plot and plan out things with no one around. I watched movies, read some books, and basically took stock of things. And started a new plan. A two year plan. I've a couple of creative opportunities right now and a new one that may be coming up. So today was get to the grind stone and start turning it. I finished painting doll pin faces, found mohair, and pulled dress fabrics for the full body pins.

I also made Raggedy Ann some new legs. They turned out okay considering I didn't have the original pattern. She'll get bloomers tomorrow or part of a new face. I don't know which just yet.

I enlarged some drawings that will become part of a larger embroidered piece. Haven't sketched for the day yet but that will happen and post those pics tomorrow. And I've got to work on a short story. Added another part that may clear some things up. Just moving right along.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Okay Day

Today was an okay day after not doing much yesterday and a lot the day before. So before I started getting down on myself, I told myself that I had a recharge day yesterday and made up for it today. I'm quite satisfied with that assessment. Not only did I sketch, I painted in my watercolor sketchbook (I'll have pics tomorrow once it dries), started a new doll, posted on social media, worked on a novel series (still getting all the parts together on that), and worked on my latest Redwork project. Things are okay.

I've always wanted to make a Frida Kahlo doll. I cut one out, sewed, and stuffed it today. Now I have to pic a face to embroider.

And here is my latest Redwork piece.

#wendyluane #fridakahlo #fridakahlodoll #redwork #embroidery

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Boy, that came up fast. How did May go? It was okay. I got four projects done. I made a purse, designed some embroidery designs for someone, finished my second Redwork piece, and finished my first short story and sent it to someone else to read. What they call a Beta Reader. I was too close to the story to see anything wrong, so I sent it to someone else to critique it. So even though I got some things done, it wasn't the bumper month I had hoped for. Fear is a bad thing. Fear of success is equally bad. I'm working on being kinder to myself, still. It's so easy to help others and offer encouragement but not cut myself some slack or pump me up. But today is a new day in a new month and I will forge ahead. I've got too much stuff in my head to give up at this point. One day at a time, one part of a project at a time.

Today, I got up and wrote in my journal, then I went for a walk. They tell me it's supposed to help get you in shape and deal with sadness. I'm still waiting for that to kick in but I did manage to lose 10 pounds in the past two months. I need to lose about another 20 but yay for me! Flexibility is getting better too. I got some really nice storage containers for my fabric at a yard sale today. I usually don't catch bargains like this.

I finally got the underpants for the Goodfellas doll. I think I found a style of dress to make. Will probably sketch that tomorrow and make a mockup.

And here is my next Redwork project. I got more pearl cotton from my mother. She used to do crazy quilting but hasn't been doing it lately. Like several years lately. So I grabbed some colors I didn't have.

I have a mega list of projects to do. I will share some in the near future. There's a very nice festival coming up and I want to make a few pieces for that. And I have several dolls that really want to be finished. I can be such a goofball but I'm working on it. Working on my next short story too.

#dayofthedead #dollunderpants #dollclothes #redwork #embroidery

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Still Here!

Yep, still here. It's been rough getting used to being in a new place even though I'm from the state I've since relocated to.  But I am made of some strong stuff and after some creative soul searching, I'm ready to move on. After all, it's my life and I plan on making it special and leaving one heck of a creative legacy behind. I'm still trying to find a blog design that I like and may end up going back to a tried and true one that I've used before. Sometimes change is good, sometimes... not so much.

I've done some more sketches, working on where some things are going but I'm ready to get back to Halloween. That's coming up so fast and I've got an idea for a couple of other projects. Still in the gestational stage but I'm getting a few likes. The little guys below may or may not be totems. I've pulled some fabric and trims. I guess I'll just have to make one.

Missy is so excited about having her school photos taken. She's been waiting a long time.

And I had to sketch out some monsters. Very rough and something more detailed will follow soon. A bit excited about these guys.

Writing is coming along too and I hope to share more information about that. I'll be working on the fourth draft of one short story, third draft on another, and started another. And they are all over the place. Two paranormal and one romantic comedy. More like unusual romance. Yeah, because there may be a body found. That's all for now. Take care.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

A New Day

And a new friend. We have a wham bam storm last night and this morning there was a guest when my friend opened the umbrella on the deck. I'll name him Juno.

I also got busy yesterday. That felt good. I hope I can do it again today. I started my next Redwork project, started editing two short stories, watched some art tutorials on You Tube, got back to sketching because I'm working on a new series or doll, and I talked to a good friend, a fellow doll artist who gave me some tips and hints to get going again. I think that's been the best part of the week, talking to someone who knows what I'm going through. That I'm not alone. I feel energized.

I like how more stabilized the fabric is with the woven interfacing on the back. Less puckering on the front and I can do more stitching on this guy.

Trying to figure out a body for a new doll and possibly some paintings I can make prints of. I don't know if I want her to be a little girl or young lady witch who will have some unusual adventures.

I started working on some facial expressions that may or may not end up on the final character. I've got a few fantasy art books I'm working from. This one is called DragonArt Fantasy Characters by J "NeonDragon" Peffer. I'll do more figure work too in the next few days. Sometimes you have to step back, pause, regroup, and move forward. Have a great day.

#wendyluane #witchdoll #sketches #pencilsketch #characterdevelopment

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

No Pic Post -- Winding Down

Or winding up. Depends on how I decide to look at 2016, which pretty much sucked by-the-way. I did pull myself out of the hole of doom at the last minute and almost slide back in. This year is almost over. One thing I will work on for next year is to just let most things go. Some things I just can't change and I really don't want to lose sleep over it. I've been cleaning up the place and working on finishing projects before the new year so I can start on new things.

There's been a flip of things. I will still do longarming on quilts but now I'm getting back into dolls and other artwork. I'm working on doll clothes and will show pics next week, the first full week of the New Year. I will be adding more to my black and a splash of red series of drawings. I really want to make some new dolls and join an art group here in town. I'm already planning a better menu to feel better and start losing some weight. And then there are my short stories I want to get done and sent off for possible publication in online magazines.

I want to fill 2017 up with art; color, textures, variety.

I am the Creative Storm.

Yeah, we'll see how that works out. Until next time, have a good one.


 Okay, wow, geesh!  This year, this crazy year is going by so fast. A lot of stuff have been happening and I'm treading water. I'm h...