Sunday, December 26, 2010
We finally got snow after a week of threats from the weather person. A good four inches. It started Christmas day around one on the PM and didn't end until that evening. It's the first white Christmas I can remember in a long time.
A heavy wet snow, great for building snowmen and sledding. I heard the snowplow on the street early this morning before the sun appeared. I had to go out and take pics and clear off my truck.
My neighbors invited me over for dinner last night and we were interrupted by some of the branches from one of their trees crashing onto the front yard. I watched, with their pooch Izzy, while they dragged those branches to the curb.
I do have to admit that it was pretty watching the snow fall at night against the street lights. Now it can melt. I do hope that all of you had a wonderful and peaceful day yesterday, whether you celebrate the holiday or not. I snuggled up with a blanket and watched movies all day. What a treat! I think I'll watch some zombies today while it's still daylight. A friend gave me some vampire DVDs. I may try them too.
Have a happy day!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
My Tiny Tree
This is my little Christmas tree. It's got handmade ornaments (by me and others), some that were given to me, and mini lights. Love the mini lights. I keep them on the tree all year because they're very soothing to look at after a long days work. Creative or otherwise. The little porcelain doll I got from the dollar store some years ago. I thought she was cute. One day she'll get a new outfit.
I got a few gifts this year so I could actually put them under my tree. I'm so excited! One is still unopened. The two books are from a friend out in California. One is on Queen Nefertiti and the other Grace O'Malley, the Irish pirate queen. Love those pirates. A few more gifts have been added since I took this pic. Wow!
I got a few gifts this year so I could actually put them under my tree. I'm so excited! One is still unopened. The two books are from a friend out in California. One is on Queen Nefertiti and the other Grace O'Malley, the Irish pirate queen. Love those pirates. A few more gifts have been added since I took this pic. Wow!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Mug Rug
I went to my last applique workshop for the year. It's so good seeing those ladies once a month. I love laughing with them, sometimes so hard that we're all crying. Our project for the evening was a mug rug. I probably won't be using it as such because it was a lot of work and just too cute. But I put my mug of coffee on it to show you some scale.
The bottom is plaid wool, you can barely see the edge. The next layer is black wool and on top of that, red wool with white wool circles for the snowmen. I embroidered their faces with French knots and their carrot noses are three stitches with a satin stitch over them. The pattern was from a quilt magazine, I forgot to write the name down. Any hoo, it was quick and fun to do. I love make it and take it projects.
More Winter Dollies
Here's my second batch of Winter Wandi dolls. I should have them finished by the weekend.
They even have their arms ready to be attached.
I could have lined them up like in a chorus line but I thought a bundle of arms is more fun. They are waving at and supporting each other. Like good friends.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Ho, ho, ho!
Here is the gang. My first batch of Winter Wandi Dolls. Only the two on the right are holidayish. I saw the pom poms in JoAnn's and just had to have them. I have six more of these lovelies to finish before I start on spring ones.
I love this fabric combo and I've used it several times on other dolls. Plus, I bought a lot of it, so guess what? It's going to be used until it's gone. :D Blues and purples are my favorite colors. I love the snowflakes too. This is as close to winter as I like to get. Fake snowflakes.
The feather lash around the mob cap is knitted by none other than, me! I haven't knitted in a month of Sundays and it was really nice. Can't say it was soothing because I was on a deadline to get these babies done to be picked up by my art rep. She loved them.
I'm glad she came and got them today because it would be more difficult to part with them. You know, growing attached to the offspring.
Here's that wonderful purple. I'm going to have to invest more in purples. No two are ever alike. These two have crocheted hats and knitted scarves. I've got to get more yarn too.
A bad attempt at a pom pom. LOL
These two have feather lash knitted hats. They were so much fun, adding to one of my better patterns. I can't wait to show you the spring ones. The hats and scarves just add a different touch.
The snowflakes are from the scrapbook section of a craft store. Love those things.
These are the only two that are holiday like. I wanted to make elves 'cause Santa just needs good help. Again, I saw this cool fabric (I really didn't need any fabric when I went to the store but, well, you know) and I had to get it. I immediately saw elves. Then I saw the pom pom trim and just giggled with all the ideas rushing through my head.
Here's the back of the elves. I didn't want a traditional elf hat, so I made it long and tied it in a knot. They've got to keep all Santa's toy secrets in their heads, right? All of the faces are drawn and painted by me and they all have a hanging string. The hair is just awesome and I'm always on the lookout for it. I can't always find decent colors. Until next time.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Last Show of 2010
I had my last show for the year and it went well. It was a small craft affair at a local coffee house. I took two dolls and a lot of ornaments. It wasn't a doll crowd and that's okay because now I can book a table to a show in May. Very happy about that.
Here are two fish ornaments on a tree. Sold quite a few of those. They are made of felt and I have ideas to make some more detailed ones.
I also did some in more real colors. I loved using some of the thousand buttons I have on hand. I really should get them organized more. I'd like to put all of one color in individual containers. I don't know if I want them in jars or plastic.
Why won't the font stay the same? Why does it go back to a default font? Here are the two Santa ornaments finally painted and stained.
Here are two fish ornaments on a tree. Sold quite a few of those. They are made of felt and I have ideas to make some more detailed ones.
I hate this new layout that they have. Can't figure anything out and nothing works. Here is a colorful clutch of felt fish ornaments.
I also did some in more real colors. I loved using some of the thousand buttons I have on hand. I really should get them organized more. I'd like to put all of one color in individual containers. I don't know if I want them in jars or plastic.
Why won't the font stay the same? Why does it go back to a default font? Here are the two Santa ornaments finally painted and stained.
And last but not least, the Strolling Santa all painted. He sold the first day of the fair.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Wood Pieces
I mentioned before that I use to carve wood. Here are two pirates carved from wood eggs. I'm going to put eye screws in the top of their heads so they can be ornaments for a tree. I haven't decided if I will keep one but they are slated to be on my holiday craft show table this weekend.
This little Santa is ready to be primed and painted.
I found two more Santa heads that also need painting. They will get eye screws to be turned into ornaments. The two on the right have key rings.
The unpainted ones will first be scrubbed cleaned of wood fuzzies and pencil marks. Allowed to dry, sprayed with a fixative and then painted. When that is dry, they are sprayed again and then a stain is applied. I am looking forward to this show and will be posting more pics soon.
This little Santa is ready to be primed and painted.
I found two more Santa heads that also need painting. They will get eye screws to be turned into ornaments. The two on the right have key rings.
The unpainted ones will first be scrubbed cleaned of wood fuzzies and pencil marks. Allowed to dry, sprayed with a fixative and then painted. When that is dry, they are sprayed again and then a stain is applied. I am looking forward to this show and will be posting more pics soon.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Just when I was getting use to the old set-up, they go and change things on me. Now I've got to learn things all over again. Here is the group of holiday cards I made for a commission order. The person didn't want your typical holiday/Christmas cards, so I made what I would like to get.
Most of the cards are geometric collages. I use different shapes and textures to make each card.
The one on the left is a sort of beach scene with a butterfly.
Forgot to turn these the around. Sorry. I like the one on the right. It's a not-too-cold winter scene.
Two more beach scenes. I'm not having fun with this because I have to change the font every time I move the cursor to type. I kind of wish I were at the beach right now.
The customer also likes Asian themes, so I did these two. The one on the right is a geometric bonsai. The one on the left is based on Chinese style painting.
These two are of course, kimonos. Both cut out of paper. The collars, inner neck, fan, and belt.
Two starry night scenes using paper. Love the plaid birds. I didn't have time to make my own cards. I guess that will be on my list for next year.
Most of the cards are geometric collages. I use different shapes and textures to make each card.
The one on the left is a sort of beach scene with a butterfly.
Forgot to turn these the around. Sorry. I like the one on the right. It's a not-too-cold winter scene.
Two more beach scenes. I'm not having fun with this because I have to change the font every time I move the cursor to type. I kind of wish I were at the beach right now.
The customer also likes Asian themes, so I did these two. The one on the right is a geometric bonsai. The one on the left is based on Chinese style painting.
These two are of course, kimonos. Both cut out of paper. The collars, inner neck, fan, and belt.
Two starry night scenes using paper. Love the plaid birds. I didn't have time to make my own cards. I guess that will be on my list for next year.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
It's December!
Wow! December already! The year is almost over. Time truly flies whether you're having fun or not. I guess I'll continue to have some fun. I just love the colors of five bean soup before it's souped. Too bad the colors don't stay like this after cooking but it was a great day for beans and rice.
So glad that November is over. It wasn't exactly horrid but it was challenging in so many areas. I will be taking a look at certain things and eliminate them from my life and will be adding more creative and fun things. NANOWRIMO was attempted again this year and I didn't make it. Oh well, there's next year. November just seems to be crazy.
But it's over. Gone. History. It's a brand new month and I'm feeling better about the end of the year. Maybe I spoke too soon. :D I have a show next week and not really prepared for it. Nothing like the last minute. In 2011, I will work extrememly hard to make sure this doesn't happen again. I tell you November was just weird.
I'm okay though. I will go through all projects and see what needs to be done, if I want to finish them at all. I'm lining up shows for next year and I'm almost booked. February, May, June, August, and October, so far. I have a one woman show in October. Is that sweet or what? I'm very excited about that one. I also have some plans to change the look a little of my blog. Don't know what just yet but it will happen.
Happy December!
So glad that November is over. It wasn't exactly horrid but it was challenging in so many areas. I will be taking a look at certain things and eliminate them from my life and will be adding more creative and fun things. NANOWRIMO was attempted again this year and I didn't make it. Oh well, there's next year. November just seems to be crazy.
But it's over. Gone. History. It's a brand new month and I'm feeling better about the end of the year. Maybe I spoke too soon. :D I have a show next week and not really prepared for it. Nothing like the last minute. In 2011, I will work extrememly hard to make sure this doesn't happen again. I tell you November was just weird.
I'm okay though. I will go through all projects and see what needs to be done, if I want to finish them at all. I'm lining up shows for next year and I'm almost booked. February, May, June, August, and October, so far. I have a one woman show in October. Is that sweet or what? I'm very excited about that one. I also have some plans to change the look a little of my blog. Don't know what just yet but it will happen.
Happy December!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wandi Updates
I have one art commission to complete today, because it's driving me nuts, and I need to get it in the mail. Then I have one more project to finish up before I can concentrate on new designs for next year. Such as:
Pirates, mermaids, more skellies, and things that fly. I'm so happy that I have a one woman show in October. You know what that means? Halloween stuff. Yee haw! My first exhibition show in 2011 is in February, and the first real show is in May. It's looking to be some line-up for next year and a play niece is getting married in June.
These final two projects are like balls and chains around my neck. I guess I better get to work. Take care all. Have a great week!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Is anyone out there? I know it's been awhile since I've posted last. Novembers seem to be time sucking in every way. After coming down from my doll expo and writer's workshop high, I crashed really hard. Didn't want to do anything but sleep and the creative mojo man went missing. I attempted new dolls, NANOWRIMO, and tired to get back on track but my job had its annual craft fair, which also took time (mental too). Then there was turkey day. By the way...
There's nothing like good food to help with the spirits. I got an invite from Maya and her husband. He, the wonderful man, smoked a turkey that was so tender it truly melted in one's mouth. I had so much fun and laughed so much. I talked to a friend from high school, several from university and it was so good hearing their voices. We cheered each other up. It was great! I do have some leftovers, I didn't gorge myself yesterday either. Very good of me. I am so grateful for all my friends and their support.
I'm getting a new and better attitude on life. More details later, but for right now, I'm excited about how things are going. I have two projects to complete by December and then I will be able to concentrate on new work. I am learning how to say 'no' because of all that I want to do. It's okay to want my time to create my art. I don't have to explain anything to anyone. It's quite liberating. In 2011, I will make some more big decisions that will improve my life, how I see it, and how I want it to be.
I want to thank my new followers: Natalia of whose shoes are awesome! And Grandma Moose of I think I got that right. I thought I wrote down Grandma's real name. Forgive me, it must be the leftover dressing. Mind is still getting back to normal.
I will be getting new pics up next week. My body feels the need to get back to creating. I have missed many creative posts from you all and will have to catch up. Thanks for being in my blog world.
There's nothing like good food to help with the spirits. I got an invite from Maya and her husband. He, the wonderful man, smoked a turkey that was so tender it truly melted in one's mouth. I had so much fun and laughed so much. I talked to a friend from high school, several from university and it was so good hearing their voices. We cheered each other up. It was great! I do have some leftovers, I didn't gorge myself yesterday either. Very good of me. I am so grateful for all my friends and their support.
I'm getting a new and better attitude on life. More details later, but for right now, I'm excited about how things are going. I have two projects to complete by December and then I will be able to concentrate on new work. I am learning how to say 'no' because of all that I want to do. It's okay to want my time to create my art. I don't have to explain anything to anyone. It's quite liberating. In 2011, I will make some more big decisions that will improve my life, how I see it, and how I want it to be.
I want to thank my new followers: Natalia of whose shoes are awesome! And Grandma Moose of I think I got that right. I thought I wrote down Grandma's real name. Forgive me, it must be the leftover dressing. Mind is still getting back to normal.
I will be getting new pics up next week. My body feels the need to get back to creating. I have missed many creative posts from you all and will have to catch up. Thanks for being in my blog world.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Back To Work
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Jack Patch
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Okay, wow, geesh! This year, this crazy year is going by so fast. A lot of stuff have been happening and I'm treading water. I'm h...
This is a long post, if you are so inclined, grab your favorite drink and enjoy. Okay, I just had to write about my trip via that grey dog. ...
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