Or winding up. Depends on how I decide to look at 2016, which pretty much sucked by-the-way. I did pull myself out of the hole of doom at the last minute and almost slide back in. This year is almost over. One thing I will work on for next year is to just let most things go. Some things I just can't change and I really don't want to lose sleep over it. I've been cleaning up the place and working on finishing projects before the new year so I can start on new things.
There's been a flip of things. I will still do longarming on quilts but now I'm getting back into dolls and other artwork. I'm working on doll clothes and will show pics next week, the first full week of the New Year. I will be adding more to my black and a splash of red series of drawings. I really want to make some new dolls and join an art group here in town. I'm already planning a better menu to feel better and start losing some weight. And then there are my short stories I want to get done and sent off for possible publication in online magazines.
I want to fill 2017 up with art; color, textures, variety.
I am the Creative Storm.
Yeah, we'll see how that works out. Until next time, have a good one.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Thursday, December 22, 2016
No Pic Post -- Books and Movies
In 2015 I decided that in 2016 I was going to start to read more. My goal was four books a month. Fluff books because things just weren't going great and I wanted mindless entertainment. A total of 48 books and I'm at 40 right now. I don't think I'll get 8 more read by December 31st but that's okay. I'm pretty close to that goal.
Next year, I want to keep the 48 fiction books, add 12 non-fiction books, 12 documentaries, and 12 classic movies I may or may not have seen. That may not look like a lot but it's what I can manage. This isn't a competition. I love to read. I want to expand what I know by reading non-fiction about a variety of things. I'm not a fast reader, so this is what I've come up with. I will be posting what I read. Here and on Goodreads. I've got to do better with that too. Documenting what I've read.
#books #nonfiction #fiction #documentaries #classicmovies
Next year, I want to keep the 48 fiction books, add 12 non-fiction books, 12 documentaries, and 12 classic movies I may or may not have seen. That may not look like a lot but it's what I can manage. This isn't a competition. I love to read. I want to expand what I know by reading non-fiction about a variety of things. I'm not a fast reader, so this is what I've come up with. I will be posting what I read. Here and on Goodreads. I've got to do better with that too. Documenting what I've read.
#books #nonfiction #fiction #documentaries #classicmovies
Didn't mean to neglect my blog but I was crazy busy three weeks before the Krankie's Craft Fair which was last Saturday. It was a good show. The first I've done in several years and I'm so glad I did it. I met new people, some fans showed up and those who followed my blog which was surprising and amazing. I love talking to fans. Things I thought would sell didn't and things I didn't think would sell did. I had a handful of black and white drawings and quite a few of them sold. People really liked them, so guess what I'll be doing in the near future? Making more drawings to sell. I finally did my final tally and I did way better than I thought I did.
Sunday, I did absolutely nothing. I'm not quite 100% recovered but I'm getting there. I started straightening things up and can now see the floor in my apartment and I've cleared off my art table so I can get started on new pieces.
I set up a small holiday setting because once again, I ran out of time to do something really nice. And this won't take long to dismantle once Christmas is over. I'm in planning stages for upcoming projects and I hope you will be as excited as I am when I show them.
Sunday, I did absolutely nothing. I'm not quite 100% recovered but I'm getting there. I started straightening things up and can now see the floor in my apartment and I've cleared off my art table so I can get started on new pieces.
I set up a small holiday setting because once again, I ran out of time to do something really nice. And this won't take long to dismantle once Christmas is over. I'm in planning stages for upcoming projects and I hope you will be as excited as I am when I show them.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Forsyth Piecers and Quilters Guild Party
My quilt guild's holiday party was also this week. Two parties in a week, I don't think I ever did that when I was younger. And some of the members decorated the tables. Once again, the food was good and there was lots of talking and laughter.
Loved the different themes. There was a winner for one of the tables and I can't remember which one and there were door prizes and I won one. It was fun at the end of the year.
Loved the different themes. There was a winner for one of the tables and I can't remember which one and there were door prizes and I won one. It was fun at the end of the year.
Holy Smokes!
It's been awhile since my last post but I've been busy getting ready for a craft fair. My first in a couple of years. Making new things, repricing some old ones. I finally got a nice roly cart to haul things and a friend's teen is going to help me out a bit. As life would have it, I got more quilt tops come in to be done for Christmas. It's all good. I'm feeling happy for a change and I plan on working to keep that vibe throughout the new year. I also made a swap ornament for an online group I'm in. It's a Krampus but he isn't very scary.
I added another painting to my sketchbook and I don't know if I'll get anymore filled by the end of the month.
And then there have been the holiday parties I went to. Not as many as I was invited to but the group Mary's Mavens had their party last night which was amazing. The food was wonderful and the energy of all the women there was wonderful. I made some new friends, saw some old ones, and had a tarot card reading which was pretty much on point. A tarot reading is different from a psychic reading because you don't tell anything to the person doing it. She reads things through the cards and she hit several things right on the head. As far as things that I am pursuing as far as career and what I want out of life and the things that are standing in my way. But I am on a good track. That part was really cool to hear and it has empowered me to forge full speed ahead.
I added another painting to my sketchbook and I don't know if I'll get anymore filled by the end of the month.
And then there have been the holiday parties I went to. Not as many as I was invited to but the group Mary's Mavens had their party last night which was amazing. The food was wonderful and the energy of all the women there was wonderful. I made some new friends, saw some old ones, and had a tarot card reading which was pretty much on point. A tarot reading is different from a psychic reading because you don't tell anything to the person doing it. She reads things through the cards and she hit several things right on the head. As far as things that I am pursuing as far as career and what I want out of life and the things that are standing in my way. But I am on a good track. That part was really cool to hear and it has empowered me to forge full speed ahead.
Here are ornaments I finished yesterday. Today I work on tiny table toppers and finish pricing things, pick up a table from a friend to use at the fair. I'm excited but starting to run on fumes. My apartment is a wreck and it will take a week to get things back together for the next big project.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Moving Right Along
Yep, six days into a new month. Time... what an amazing concept. So, I'm working on some new pieces for this show that's coming up way too fast. And I'm working in a new medium for me, Creative Paperclay. I'm getting better at it, I'm not great, things aren't coming out the way I wanted, but hey, I'm learning. I will continue because in the past, I'd be giving up just about now because things look very goofy. But I shall persevere. See these things to the end. Who knows? I may surprise myself. Ha!
Saturday, December 3, 2016
I'm making dolls again. I had started these two ages ago and decided they needed to be finished. Deserved it. Or make the decision to toss them and move on. They screamed that they wanted to live, so here we are. Working on hair and hats. They will be ready for sale at an upcoming craft fair.
#skelliedoll #witchdoll #halloweendoll
#skelliedoll #witchdoll #halloweendoll
Hello December -No Pic Post
I keep saying it. Time flies by whether you're having fun or not. We are into the last month of 2016. And even though the bulk of this year sucked like no one's business, I've decided to turn it around. Taking a look back, I have allowed things to happen to me, waited for things to happen to me and be thoroughly disappointed with the outcomes. If there were any. That hasn't been getting me anywhere I want to be. So instead of waiting for the New Year to make those goofy resolutions which pretty much don't work, I'm working on the change right now. No more living for others (I've probably said that before but it's finally clicking); it's time to start enjoying life. I only get one. At least on this plane of existence. I'm finally ready.
I can talk about things that have hurt me in the past without bursting into tears. Although, a good cry every now and again helps get all the toxins out that have built up. I am working on new projects and working on not worrying about things that I have no control over. It is what it is. Things happen. I can be so upset about those things, crawl under a rock and want to whither away or take a deep breath, see if I can fix things or wait for them to play out. I've got plans now. I'm not afraid to wake up and get my day started. I wake up, give thanks that I've been given another day, and get excited about what I will do.
Excited. I can't remember the last time I've been excited about things that I want to do and have started to do. I love getting back to my watercolor painting. Will it bring in money? I don't know. Maybe one day but right now, I'm learning to work the medium again so that I can get comfortable with it. When I paint, it relaxes me. For an hour I can forget everything else and paint. Then when I'm done, my head is clearer and I can do what really needs to be done. I'm learning that being busy all the time is not necessarily a good thing. Rushing to finish things because I think I'm running out of time. Maybe I am for a few things but my point is is that I'm beginning to enjoy the process. Starting with Step 1, then Step 2 and to not think about the final destination and that it should happen like in five minutes. I have been missing the process. And I tell you, when you take the time for the process of a project, you slow down. Our culture is so on a fast track for everything. But I was happiest when I created work when I enjoyed each step. Sometimes things worked, and sometimes they didn't. When they didn't, I didn't get upset. I reevaluated things and kept going. I'm getting back to that. Slowly but surely it's coming back and it feels great!
And I'm working on curbing the thinking. Sometimes I would think so much on a project that I would think myself into not doing anything. Then I'd beat myself up for not doing anything. Really bad cycle. I still have my lists but they are a lot shorter and if a project takes a little longer than the time I'd given, that's okay. I'm okay. I am a work in progress and I like that. Growing is a part of living, of being human. And I'm smiling more.
After hitting rock bottom in October, pulling myself out of the hole of despair and self pity in November, I'm ready to rock it in December and 2017. Time to reach for those stars.
I can talk about things that have hurt me in the past without bursting into tears. Although, a good cry every now and again helps get all the toxins out that have built up. I am working on new projects and working on not worrying about things that I have no control over. It is what it is. Things happen. I can be so upset about those things, crawl under a rock and want to whither away or take a deep breath, see if I can fix things or wait for them to play out. I've got plans now. I'm not afraid to wake up and get my day started. I wake up, give thanks that I've been given another day, and get excited about what I will do.
Excited. I can't remember the last time I've been excited about things that I want to do and have started to do. I love getting back to my watercolor painting. Will it bring in money? I don't know. Maybe one day but right now, I'm learning to work the medium again so that I can get comfortable with it. When I paint, it relaxes me. For an hour I can forget everything else and paint. Then when I'm done, my head is clearer and I can do what really needs to be done. I'm learning that being busy all the time is not necessarily a good thing. Rushing to finish things because I think I'm running out of time. Maybe I am for a few things but my point is is that I'm beginning to enjoy the process. Starting with Step 1, then Step 2 and to not think about the final destination and that it should happen like in five minutes. I have been missing the process. And I tell you, when you take the time for the process of a project, you slow down. Our culture is so on a fast track for everything. But I was happiest when I created work when I enjoyed each step. Sometimes things worked, and sometimes they didn't. When they didn't, I didn't get upset. I reevaluated things and kept going. I'm getting back to that. Slowly but surely it's coming back and it feels great!
And I'm working on curbing the thinking. Sometimes I would think so much on a project that I would think myself into not doing anything. Then I'd beat myself up for not doing anything. Really bad cycle. I still have my lists but they are a lot shorter and if a project takes a little longer than the time I'd given, that's okay. I'm okay. I am a work in progress and I like that. Growing is a part of living, of being human. And I'm smiling more.
After hitting rock bottom in October, pulling myself out of the hole of despair and self pity in November, I'm ready to rock it in December and 2017. Time to reach for those stars.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Goodbye November
That's all she wrote. November is outta here. Unbelievable. I can sit here and wonder where the time went but I won't. It's gone and I keep moving on. I was able to get an apron made for my upcoming craft fair. I've always wanted one to put things in so I won't have to look for them on the table when I need them. I have pockets for my cell phone, pens, my credit card reader, and a pocket with a flap and snap for money.
Working on my witch doll and I took a poll on which hair color to use. Red or blonde. Believe it or not, I got more votes on using both. I've got to make her hat and add some embellishments.
I got the first part of some felt skull pins put together and now they are ready for some embroidery.
I have other pieces in varying degrees of being finished. Three scary cupcakes, three box heads, six holiday table pieces, three zombies with elf hats, and a Krampus ornament for a group swap. Pics coming soon.
Working on my witch doll and I took a poll on which hair color to use. Red or blonde. Believe it or not, I got more votes on using both. I've got to make her hat and add some embellishments.
I got the first part of some felt skull pins put together and now they are ready for some embroidery.
I have other pieces in varying degrees of being finished. Three scary cupcakes, three box heads, six holiday table pieces, three zombies with elf hats, and a Krampus ornament for a group swap. Pics coming soon.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
The Piedmont Craftmen's Guild had their yearly show last weekend. I try to go each year because it's a time where I can see friends that I haven't seen, well, in a year. Even though some of us keep up with each other on Facebook, it's nice to see them in person to talk to them, share some laughs, catch up with life, and the best thing of all... to get hugs. Hugs are the best. Sometimes you just need a good hug. I got several and I'm ready for another year.
Along with seeing my old friends, I met some new ones and even got some advice from Wendy Allen who does wonderful felt hats for when I make hats for my dolls. That's one of the wonderful things about meeting artists, is their willingness to talk to you about what they do. PJ Floyd who does wonderful needle felted dolls, and Amy Flynn who makes Fobots. Found object robots.
And a friends puppy is getting bigger. Her name is Lucy and she loves puppy rubs. It gets one hind leg moving fast. She's a Bulldog maybe Beagle or Terrier mix. She's a sweet little pooch.
Along with seeing my old friends, I met some new ones and even got some advice from Wendy Allen who does wonderful felt hats for when I make hats for my dolls. That's one of the wonderful things about meeting artists, is their willingness to talk to you about what they do. PJ Floyd who does wonderful needle felted dolls, and Amy Flynn who makes Fobots. Found object robots.
And a friends puppy is getting bigger. Her name is Lucy and she loves puppy rubs. It gets one hind leg moving fast. She's a Bulldog maybe Beagle or Terrier mix. She's a sweet little pooch.
Yes, it's Thanksgiving Day. I am thankful for the place where I'm living, that it's warm and safe; for the food I have to eat; for my wonderful friends; for my family; for my ability to think and reason; for my creativity and spark; for my determination to make things better for me, others, and the planet; that my truck is still running; and that I'm still a work in progress.
It isn't only about the history part, because there are those who don't celebrate. But it's a day to give thanks. For many things in your life. So have a wonderful day. Call someone you care about. Say hi or give a smile to someone you don't know.
It isn't only about the history part, because there are those who don't celebrate. But it's a day to give thanks. For many things in your life. So have a wonderful day. Call someone you care about. Say hi or give a smile to someone you don't know.
Friday, November 18, 2016
So Far
It's been a good day. Even with grocery shopping in the morning. Running errands usually wears me out and I'm not productive at all for the rest of the day but I was determined to work on several things. I finally got back to some clay work. My new medium is Creative Paper Clay. And yes, I'm terrified. Afraid that things won't look right. But who cares? I'm doing something new and it takes practice to get things looking appropriate. I've got the heads started on three small dolls, two ornaments, one 'make it suck' piece, three box heads, and three cupcakes. Oh, I also covered the head for another doll and she's hanging up somewhere to dry. I started another two pages in my Cosmic Smashbook, and another face in my sketchbook.
#sketchbook #watercolor #inktensepaints #creativelpaperclay
#sketchbook #watercolor #inktensepaints #creativelpaperclay
The Next Big Project
I know, I know. Starting another project before the first 85 are complete. Ha! That's not how this lady rolls. Actually, I started this project some time ago and it never went anywhere. I have always loved playing with dolls. Making clothes for them, writing stories for them. And then I turned thirteen and my mother thought I was too old to continue to play with them. That kind of hurt. I let it go and pursued other things. But guess what?
It's come back full circle. Now I just don't have baby doll, Barbie, and others I can't remember to dress and play with. They have dolls called Blythe and the Bentley of the wonderful dolls are BJDs or ball jointed dolls. I used to work in the theater too. Making costumes for others to wear. Watching them enjoy the limelight in one of my creations. Now, I can still enjoy the limelight of new costume creations. Only this time, the dolls don't talk back or jump if you stick them with a pin. And they're a lot smaller.
Until I get my own doll, a friend has allowed me to use her little one to get started with. He's an elf and I will start off with some elf/faerie/sprite outfits. I watched The Santa Clause yesterday and did some very rough and preliminary sketches. The movie is really cute and I remember when it first came out, how I fell in love with the elves. So, here are my first sketches. Thank goodness for the pause button.
These are in another sketchbook that needs to be filled. Maybe that will happen soon too. Have a good day.
#sketchbook #dollclothessketches #bjd
It's come back full circle. Now I just don't have baby doll, Barbie, and others I can't remember to dress and play with. They have dolls called Blythe and the Bentley of the wonderful dolls are BJDs or ball jointed dolls. I used to work in the theater too. Making costumes for others to wear. Watching them enjoy the limelight in one of my creations. Now, I can still enjoy the limelight of new costume creations. Only this time, the dolls don't talk back or jump if you stick them with a pin. And they're a lot smaller.
Until I get my own doll, a friend has allowed me to use her little one to get started with. He's an elf and I will start off with some elf/faerie/sprite outfits. I watched The Santa Clause yesterday and did some very rough and preliminary sketches. The movie is really cute and I remember when it first came out, how I fell in love with the elves. So, here are my first sketches. Thank goodness for the pause button.
These are in another sketchbook that needs to be filled. Maybe that will happen soon too. Have a good day.
#sketchbook #dollclothessketches #bjd
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Oh my goodness! I am doing things. I just keep forgetting to post. My brain is a bit scattered because I'm trying to finish off some things for an upcoming craft fair and get my grey cells wrapped around a new project. Plus I'm behind on NaNo (word count today is 13,278) and I'm glad there's a write-in at a local restaurant that is close by. The second holiday of fall is next week and I may or may not have an invite. If not, I will make chicken bog. I'll still make chicken bog because I'm having a taste for it. I've just discovered chicken bog. It's like a thick chicken soup. Some people just use broth, chicken, and onions. I will add some mixed veggies and then the rice. That's what makes it boggy and thick. I had no idea but it's yummy. So here we go.
This is Ambrosia. I started her awhile ago. Like over a year. She's been staring at me and wondering when she was going to get the rest of her outfit, so today, she finally got sleeves and we have another date on Friday to finish her clothing. I actually had fun making her sleeves. She's ready to be finished and I'm ready to finish her.
While online, I saw an article about a museum in Japan that has rocks with faces in them. All naturally done and I thought that was interesting. I quickly sketched what I saw on the rocks and will use this as a jumping off point for something else. I don't quite know what that is but it will be a lot different from my initial sketches. This is another one of my sketchbooks that needs to be filled. This year is almost over.
#clothdoll #halloweendoll #clothwitchdoll #orangeandblack #pencilsketch #sketchbook
This is Ambrosia. I started her awhile ago. Like over a year. She's been staring at me and wondering when she was going to get the rest of her outfit, so today, she finally got sleeves and we have another date on Friday to finish her clothing. I actually had fun making her sleeves. She's ready to be finished and I'm ready to finish her.
While online, I saw an article about a museum in Japan that has rocks with faces in them. All naturally done and I thought that was interesting. I quickly sketched what I saw on the rocks and will use this as a jumping off point for something else. I don't quite know what that is but it will be a lot different from my initial sketches. This is another one of my sketchbooks that needs to be filled. This year is almost over.
#clothdoll #halloweendoll #clothwitchdoll #orangeandblack #pencilsketch #sketchbook
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Still Going
Still working on my sketchbook. I may just get this one filled by the end of the year. I'm practicing my watercolor and still getting used to my new Ink Tense paints. I'm really loving pen and ink and black markers.
I also finished up my little knitted stocking. This will be for Mesmer. I have enough yarn to make him a scarf and hat. I'll get some tiny candy canes to put inside and wrap some boxes for him. My tiny way of decorating for the holidays. The stocking is about 4 1/2 inches tall.
I also finished up my little knitted stocking. This will be for Mesmer. I have enough yarn to make him a scarf and hat. I'll get some tiny candy canes to put inside and wrap some boxes for him. My tiny way of decorating for the holidays. The stocking is about 4 1/2 inches tall.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
What's Up
I'm proud of myself for finishing up a project and able to cross it off my long list. Now I'm on to other projects and keeping up with my sketchbook. I'm trying to figure out what to do with toilet paper rolls. I saw someone else do a thing, so I'm going to try my thing. If this works, great. And I just threw away a bunch of these.
Here's my start to my latest face in my watercolor sketchbook. I also used the salt technique on wet paint.
I get fresh eggs from a friend. She got new hens and they finally started laying. Can you tell the difference between the new hen and the more mature hen's egg? I think it's just too cute. Both were yummy and I can't wait until the get bigger. The green is spinach and there are some shallots in there too.
I am behind on my NaNo but will continue to catch up. Right now the word count is 9325.
#sketchbook #watercolor #fresheggs
Here's my start to my latest face in my watercolor sketchbook. I also used the salt technique on wet paint.
I get fresh eggs from a friend. She got new hens and they finally started laying. Can you tell the difference between the new hen and the more mature hen's egg? I think it's just too cute. Both were yummy and I can't wait until the get bigger. The green is spinach and there are some shallots in there too.
I am behind on my NaNo but will continue to catch up. Right now the word count is 9325.
#sketchbook #watercolor #fresheggs
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Again. I got something done and can cross it off my list. I finished 16 Bat Hat ornaments. I had started them some time ago and for the life of me, I didn't finish them. Now they are done and I can move onto something else. I do feel good having them done. Now it's time to tackle something a bit more challenging. After all, I do have a craft fair coming up.
And I'm still working on filling another sketchbook.
And I'm still working on filling another sketchbook.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Saturday, November 5, 2016
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late. Unbelievable that we're in a week into another month. Yikes! Okay, I'm trying to keep up with NaNo and a bit behind but plan to catch up today. Word count right now: 4759
I just got notice that I got a spot in the Krankie's Craft Fair in December, so I will be working like crazy to get some things done. Still working on some challenges: a book challenge (personal) through Goodreads and get my next two sketchbooks filled by the end of the year. I'll be working on my Cosmic Smashbook for awhile yet but it's time to get in-progress pieces done.
I just got notice that I got a spot in the Krankie's Craft Fair in December, so I will be working like crazy to get some things done. Still working on some challenges: a book challenge (personal) through Goodreads and get my next two sketchbooks filled by the end of the year. I'll be working on my Cosmic Smashbook for awhile yet but it's time to get in-progress pieces done.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Well what do you know? It's another month. My, my, my. I'm a little shocked. A little saddened because this year has gone by so fast. A little relieved that it's getting a little better since the crash and burn a month ago. Do I get a little hopeful? Or do I stay in skeptical mode? Or do I say, whatever and work towards something new? The adventure is still on. I've hit a couple of bumps but nothing catastrophic. So I will take a deep breath and move forward.
I have a nice list for November and I'm a bit of a coward and probably won't show it. I won't say it's massive but there's a lot on it. If I stay focused and enjoy the process, I should get most of it done. I am not going to wait for the New Year to continue to make changes in my life. I will keep doing it starting today. I mean, why wait to make a change? Do it now. The thing I want to get back to is enjoying the process of creating. Yes, I want to make things to offer for sale but I want to have fun doing it. I will continue to work on being kind to me. Give myself time to grow, to learn something new. To finish off some old projects and to look forward to the future. Not dwell on the future. Live in the moment, think more about today. Take time to do one thing I like to do each day. It can be for five minutes or thirty. I deserve that.
Now that the weather is cooling down, I want to walk more. Wanting is good, doing is better. I went for a walk with my friend Kate. I got tanned. Really? It was beautiful. Blue skies, some puffy white clouds, a slight breeze, and the leaves are finally starting to change color. I want to walk more.
I will continue to do monthly challenges. I've done and pretty much completed four this year. Not bad. The challenge this month is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWrimo). I haven't made my goal of 50,000 words in the past two years but this time around, I will succeed. I'm working on an adult fantasy but have other stories in the wings in case I get stuck. The point of this challenge is to get a rough draft done. I met with my region's writers last night. At least some of them. They seem like a nice bunch and we will encourage each other to finish. There are a couple of write-ins scheduled too and I will try to go to most of them.
Last month I won a nice Jack 'o Lantern guy from an online giveaway. I was quite shocked. I normally don't win anything. He's cute and he lights up. He's made by wonderful Halloween artist Pat J. Gill.
I also got two preemie quilts longarmed. They might be my last two for awhile because I may have to give up my machine. I hope not and I'm working to keep it.
And I'm still working on my Cosmic Smashbook journal which is part of my adventure.
It's a brand new month. And today is a new day. I've got things to do and I will enjoy. I wish you all a wonderful day too.
I have a nice list for November and I'm a bit of a coward and probably won't show it. I won't say it's massive but there's a lot on it. If I stay focused and enjoy the process, I should get most of it done. I am not going to wait for the New Year to continue to make changes in my life. I will keep doing it starting today. I mean, why wait to make a change? Do it now. The thing I want to get back to is enjoying the process of creating. Yes, I want to make things to offer for sale but I want to have fun doing it. I will continue to work on being kind to me. Give myself time to grow, to learn something new. To finish off some old projects and to look forward to the future. Not dwell on the future. Live in the moment, think more about today. Take time to do one thing I like to do each day. It can be for five minutes or thirty. I deserve that.
Now that the weather is cooling down, I want to walk more. Wanting is good, doing is better. I went for a walk with my friend Kate. I got tanned. Really? It was beautiful. Blue skies, some puffy white clouds, a slight breeze, and the leaves are finally starting to change color. I want to walk more.
I will continue to do monthly challenges. I've done and pretty much completed four this year. Not bad. The challenge this month is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWrimo). I haven't made my goal of 50,000 words in the past two years but this time around, I will succeed. I'm working on an adult fantasy but have other stories in the wings in case I get stuck. The point of this challenge is to get a rough draft done. I met with my region's writers last night. At least some of them. They seem like a nice bunch and we will encourage each other to finish. There are a couple of write-ins scheduled too and I will try to go to most of them.
Last month I won a nice Jack 'o Lantern guy from an online giveaway. I was quite shocked. I normally don't win anything. He's cute and he lights up. He's made by wonderful Halloween artist Pat J. Gill.
I also got two preemie quilts longarmed. They might be my last two for awhile because I may have to give up my machine. I hope not and I'm working to keep it.
And I'm still working on my Cosmic Smashbook journal which is part of my adventure.
It's a brand new month. And today is a new day. I've got things to do and I will enjoy. I wish you all a wonderful day too.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
31 Days of Halloween
Yes, I'm still working on that challenge and may be a little behind but that's okay. I gave it a go and I'm okay with that. I used Ink Tense paints and India ink.
#31daysofhalloween #bitofred #skelllie #shrunkenhead
#31daysofhalloween #bitofred #skelllie #shrunkenhead
The Adventure Continues
Yes, it continues and evolves. Life still wants to throw things at me and some things I can't control. So I work on things I can control. My artwork and my writing. I am ready to do NaNoWriMo this year, starting at midnight November 1st. I will probably meet with my local group for the kickoff. I've missed Halloween again. So I've decided that it is truly a year round thing and will continue making things and figure out an outfit for next year. I'm still working on turning around this year. Working on my own break. Scared to death about it but the end has not been written and I want it to be different than what I've got now. So here's what I've been doing.
I took a Cosmic Smashbook workshop and it's like a journal making class but for personal development. It was fun, like being in kindergarden again. Lots of paint and glue. In the center of the journal, we wrote what we wanted to accomplish, our dreams, etc and then painted our hands over to protect those dreams. We can add photos, poems, pictures from magazines, anything that will help us reach our goals.
My goofy pic. I will work more on my cover. Yes, that's a pirate. That's how I see my adventure.
My first page will be one of fear and good feel arrows being shot into it. To get rid of the fear that is holding me back. The fear of failure, success, just being.
Here is the center of my journal where I wrote my dreams and goals. I traced and painted my hands over those dreams and goals.
This is an in progress project. Just like I'm a work in progress. This whole process is interesting and I will update as often as I can.
I took a Cosmic Smashbook workshop and it's like a journal making class but for personal development. It was fun, like being in kindergarden again. Lots of paint and glue. In the center of the journal, we wrote what we wanted to accomplish, our dreams, etc and then painted our hands over to protect those dreams. We can add photos, poems, pictures from magazines, anything that will help us reach our goals.
My goofy pic. I will work more on my cover. Yes, that's a pirate. That's how I see my adventure.
My first page will be one of fear and good feel arrows being shot into it. To get rid of the fear that is holding me back. The fear of failure, success, just being.
Here is the center of my journal where I wrote my dreams and goals. I traced and painted my hands over those dreams and goals.
This is an in progress project. Just like I'm a work in progress. This whole process is interesting and I will update as often as I can.
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Okay, wow, geesh! This year, this crazy year is going by so fast. A lot of stuff have been happening and I'm treading water. I'm h...
This is a long post, if you are so inclined, grab your favorite drink and enjoy. Okay, I just had to write about my trip via that grey dog. ...
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